PINAC News Top 3

South Carolina Cop who Killed Zachary Hammond may be Federally Charged

A South Carolina cop who evaded state criminal charges for shooting and killing a teenager over marijuana might face federal charges, according to court documents.
Seneca Police Lieutenant Mark Tiller shot and killed Zachary Hammond last July in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant during a sting operation.
Tiller claimed he was in fear for his life because Hammond was trying to run him over with his car.

WATCH: Austin Police Officer Pepper Sprays Handcuffed Man Sitting in Police Van (Updated)

Austin police went on a pepper spraying rampage Thursday night, pepper spraying a handcuffed man sitting in the back of a police van as well as pepper spraying a pair of women who appeared to have been fighting.
In the first case, the man apparently had been kicking the back of the door after he had been arrested, prompting Austin police officer Cameron Caldwell to open the door and pepper spray him.
“Wow, you asshole,” yelled a woman who had recorded it. “I saw that, I got that on film, you abusive asshole.”

California Prosecutors Refile Criminal Charges Against 18-Year-Old After She Files Brutality Lawsuit

One day after Gabbi Lemos filed a lawsuit against the California sheriff’s office that had physically abused her during an arrest in which charges against her were already dismissed, prosecutors responded by refiling one of those charges.
Lawyers for the 18-year-old woman are now accusing prosecutors of retaliatory prosecution as they defend her against the new resisting arrest charge, saying they only did so to derail her lawsuit against the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.

North Carolina Deputies Demoted and Suspended After Donald Trump Rally, Involving Assault of Black Man

The appetite for brawls and violence at Donald Trump rallies has now landed five North Carolina sheriff’s deputies in hot water.
The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office demoted two deputies and suspended three this week for not taking action on the white Trump supporter who threw a striking elbow to the face of a young black Trump protester during a rally in Fayetteville on March 10th.

Fort Lauderdale Cop who Slapped Homeless Man on Video Acquitted of Battery Charges Despite Assault Being Recorded

A Fort Lauderdale police officer who slapped a homeless man who had been sleeping on a bench at a bus terminal in downtown Fort Lauderdale was acquitted Wednesday by a jury of the charges despite the assault being recorded by a bystander.
Victor Ramirez, 25, was facing three misdemeanor charges, including two counts of battery and one count of falsifying records.
During the trial, he testified that he was trying to protect his gun from getting into the hands of homeless man, Bruce Laclair, and that Laclair was not complying with his orders to leave the bus terminal.

Arizona Cop Killed Man with AR-15 Rifle Inscribed with the Words “You’re Fucked” as Man Pleaded for His Life

Daniel Shaver may have had a few drinks in him when he was ordered out of his Arizona hotel room at gunpoint by a group of six screaming police officers last January.
The Mesa police officers were barking all kinds of orders; each one with a different demand, telling him to get down on his hands and knees and crawl towards them, to place his hands over his head, to sit on the floor and cross his legs in front of him.

Texas Cop Charged with Murder for Killing Teenager He Suspected of Breaking into His Car

An off-duty Texas police officer who said he came across two teenagers trying to break into his car in the parking lot of his apartment complex Sunday, chasing them for a half-mile where he ended up shooting them, killing one of them, was arrested today on murder charges.
But only because he shot them before the sun had set.
Had Farmers Branch police officer Ken Johnson shot them at night, he would have been celebrated as a hero instead of being labeled a criminal.

U.S. Marines Accuse Man Photographing Base from Public Sidewalk of Breaking Federal Law

A man who was standing on a public sidewalk outside of a military base in San Diego was told he was breaking federal law by photographing the entrance to the base.
“You are on my property,” said the United States Marine Corps military police officer, who walked more than 100 feet outside the base to confront him.
But the man, who posted his video on YouTube under the username The Junkyard News, insisted he was not breaking any law.

Georgia Citizen Journalist Facing Five Years in Prison for Recording Political Event that was Open to the Public

Georgia citizen journalist Nydia Tisdale, who last year won a First Amendment award for fighting for her right to record in public, is now facing five years in prison for recording a Republican political gathering in 2014.
She was arraigned Tuesday on charges of criminal trespassing, misdemeanor obstruction of an officer and felony obstruction of an officer.
She pleaded not guilty.