PINAC News Top 3

South Carolina Cop Who Shot and Killed Walter Scott Now Facing Federal Charges

Four months after he was released from jail on bond, a South Carolina cop who shot and killed a man who was running away from him, only to claim he had been charging at him, is expected to be jailed again.
But this time on federal charges.
Michael Slager, the North Charleston police officer who killed Walter Scott in 2015 in an incident captured on video by a bystander, was indicted this week by a federal grand jury on three charges.

Illinois Police Arrest Man for Felony Wiretapping After He Recorded Them in His Home

An Illinois man was arrested on felony eavesdropping charges after informing police he was recording them in his own home over the weekend.
New Lenox police claim Daniel Murphy made this announcement while “surreptitiously recording” them, which is legal jargon for secretly recording
Nevertheless, the arrest of the 25-year-old man raises legal questions about the state’s new and improved eavesdropping law, which replaced the previous Draconian law that was ruled unconstitutional in 2014 after numerous citizens were arrested for recording police in the line of duty.

Watch: Washington Cop Attacks Girl for Riding Bike, Blames Her for Attacking Him

A Washington police officer who is responsible for training other officers was caught on video physically abusing a 15-year-old girl, then claiming she had attacked him.
The charges never stuck and now Tacoma police officer Jared Williams is being sued.
Williams was in full uniform and working an off-duty security job at Tacoma Mall when he spotted two teenagers riding their bicycles through the parking lot on May 24, 2015.

Seattle Cop Fired for Stalking Women Now Accused of Kidnapping a Woman While Driving for Uber

A former Seattle police officer who was fired for stalking women he met on duty is now being investigated for kidnapping a woman he met while working as an Uber driver.
KOMO News stated that it is not releasing his name, claiming it is because he has not been charged or arrested.
But a quick Google search tells us his name is Peter Leutz.

Florida Man Ticketed for Walking Around Debris on Sidewalk

A Florida man was ticketed $113 for the crime of stepping into a quiet, residential street from a sidewalk to avoid walking through a pile of debris.
It was an apparent case of profiling considering Joshua McKnight is a local police accountability activist who records police in public, shows up to city review panels and files complaints against officers for not wearing their name tags.
One of the two Fort Myers police officers who stopped him has arrested him before on a questionable charge that was later dismissed.

California Cops Arrest Man for Biking on Sidewalk, Videographer for Recording Arrest

A pint-sized California cop was so determined to cite a man for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk that she attempted to tackle the man when he refused to provide his identification, telling her he had done nothing illegal.
The man resisted at first, not violently, and then placed his hands behind his back when the Merced police officer ordered him to do so, allowing the officer who was half his size to handcuff him.

Portland Woman Calls Cops on Man Who Assaulted Her Discovering He is a Cop

An Oregon pet sitter was walking two dogs when one of them decided to defecate on the grassy berm in front of a house, the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street.
Juli Norman, 59, said she had already picked up the dog’s feces and placed them in a bag when a man came bursting out the door, yelling at her for allowing the dog to do its business in front of his house.
He even pointed to a sign he had planted in the grass asking to “please be respectful,” showing images of dogs peeing and defecating with a red slash through it.

Watch: Illinois Cops Drag Man Out of Car for Recording and Remaining Silent

Illinois cops pulled a car over for speeding, then dragged a man out of the back seat because he would not stop recording.
Dolton police then forced Steven S. Sinnot facedown on the street and handcuffed him, telling him, he should “learn how to listen.”
“I just had my hands where he could see them,” Sinnott says as he was being dragged out as you can see in the video below.
“I didn’t move or nothing. I don’t consent to no search,” he continues.
“Shut the fuck up!” said the cop named Doiley who dragged him out.

Florida Cop Gets Redemption for Crossing Blue Line, Arresting Fellow Cop

Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Donna Watts was just doing her job on October 11, 2011 when she tried to pull over an off-duty Miami police officer in a patrol car, who was driving 120 mph down I-95.
But Fausto Lopez continued speeding down the highway, refusing to pull over for several miles.
Not knowing why Lopez would not pull over after being “lit up,” Watts had him exit the vehicle at gun point.
It just got crazier and weirder from there.