PINAC News Top 3

North Carolina Ex-Cop Writes Jail Letters to Teen Girl he Impregnated, Resulting in Further Prison Time

It is not uncommon for men to get lonely in jail, but a fired North Carolina police officer took it too far when he attempted to contact a now 15-year-old girl he impregnated.
James Blair, 51, is a former cop with the Lowell Police Department. PINAC News first reported on how he impregnated a 14-year-old girl in 2016.

Arizona Cops Omit Vital Details from Police Shooting Report of Daniel Shaver

In the moments before an Arizona police officer opened fire and killed Daniel Shaver, the unarmed man begged police not to kill him.
“Please don’t shoot me,” Shaver pleaded as he crawled on his hands and knees towards the cops before one of them opened fire, killing him instantly.
Mesa police officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford later claimed he was in fear for his life because Shaver had reached for his waistband.

Police Killings on the Rise as NFL Owners Join Players in Protests

Police in this country have so far killed 884 people this year, an average of 3.3 people a day, a slight rise from this time last year when they had killed 867 people, according to Killed by Police, a website that tracks these slayings.
Yet that fact seems to have gotten lost as NFL players continue to kneel in protest for the National Anthem, which led to President Donald Trump stating the following at a rally in Alabama Friday.

USDOJ Refuses to Allow Journalists into Jeff Sessions’ Press Conference Fearing Negative Coverage

The United States Department of Justice says it welcomes all journalists into their press conferences as long as they follow a short list of criteria listed on its website.
However, that turned out to be a lie as a pair of Portland journalists learned earlier this week.
The journalists were from Flossin Media, a black-owned, Portland-based digital magazine founded in 2004 that covers social justice issues as well as other general interest issues.

WATCH: PINAC Correspondent Kicked Out of Free Speech Rally in Oregon

PINAC correspondent Mike Smith attended a free speech rally in Portland only to be physically thrown out by police.
Smith was at the Patriot Prayer rally at the waterfront last Sunday, which is a popular place in the Oregon city for events and protests. There were several other groups counterprotesting the Patriot Prayer group which is why police were there to keep the peace.

Watch: Idaho Police Arrest Man for Video Recording FBI Building

Police in Pocatello, Idaho arrested a man for filming an FBI building from public property. It is becoming an all too common occurrence for officers to stop and detain citizens for recording police or law enforcement activity of any kind. But the aforementioned video recording is a First Amendment protected activity, so anyone has the right to do so.

Watch: Texas Police Detain Man While Cutting Grass

A Houston, Texas 19-year-old was simply cutting grass and passing out business cards in a high-end neighborhood when police showed up demanding his identification and pulling out the handcuffs, all of which can be seen in the video below.
Later that day cops showed up to the same teenager’s home and reportedly released the  K-9 dog on him, which caused lacerations to the teen’s arm.
The teenager had not committed a crime and had every right to utilize his Fourth Amendment right to protection against unlawful search and seizure.

North Carolina Deputies Under Investigation After Shackled Inmate Jumps from Moving Patrol Car

A North Carolina sheriff’s department is investigating themselves after a handcuffed and shackled inmate jumped from a moving patrol car onto the highway suffering injuries to her head and face that will require future reconstructive surgery.
“The witnesses said they saw the car door fly open and a woman fly out,” Cheryl Golden, the mother of Yolanda Dillard told the Winston-Salem Journal.