PINAC News Top 3

Pennsylvania Cop Acquitted for Ripping Phone from Woman and Beating her for Recording Traffic Stop

A Pennsylvania cop arrested for ripping a phone out of a woman’s hand because she was recording, then slamming it on a sidewalk and punching her in the face was acquitted of all charges Wednesday.
This despite video evidence proving Reading police officer Jesus Santiago-DeJesus violating the woman’s First Amendment right to record as well as proving he lied about why he had pulled her over in the first place.

California Cops Sued for Attacking Diabetic Man at Gunpoint, Mistaking Insulin for Heroin

A California man with diabetes is suing Long Beach police for attacking him while injecting the insulin that keeps him alive after mistaking his medicine for heroin.
The complaint states that 67-year-Miguel Angel Llamas was hanging out at his neighbor’s home when several cops rushed up to him brandishing their handguns and grabbing his arm, pulling out the medical-tubing attached to his arm for the dialysis treatment he undergoes each week – resulting in a bloody, painful experience.

Alabama Police Officer Shoots Teen Holding Cell Phone

An Alabama police officer shot a teenager dead after he stepped out of a car holding a cell phone Monday.
Mobile police said Michael Moore had a gun in his waistband, which is why the officer shot him four times.
Witnesses said the cop kept shooting after Moore had fallen to the ground, standing over his body while firing his gun, telling him, “don’t move, turn over.”
The cop then turned the teen’s body over and handcuffed it.
The cop, who has not been identified, did not have his body camera on because he was not yet on the clock, police said.

Watch: Off-Duty NYPD Cop Pulls Gun on Men in Road Rage Incident

An off-duty NYPD officer was caught on camera pulling his gun on a group of bicyclists in another case of cop road rage in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village Monday.
However, responding officers allowed the cop to leave the scene, arresting one of the cyclists instead, accusing him of “lunging” at the off-duty cop with an eight-inch ice pick.
The video doesn’t show the cyclist lunging at the cop with an ice pick nor is there an even an ice pick even evident in the video.

Florida Cops Likely Killed Citizens While Trying to Kill Gunman During Orlando Massacre

Since the Orlando nightclub mass shooting over the weekend, many on the internet have been speculating about the possibility of there having been more than one shooter because of the extraordinary amount of people that were killed and injured as well as the fact the shooter had only two guns, which would have required him to change magazines several times throughout the rampage.
But now it’s beginning to look like some of those killed or wounded in the Pulse gay nightclub massacre were actually shot by policemen in what is called “friendly fire.”

Alabama ACLU and Newspaper Criticize Police for Arresting Citizen Journalist

The Alabama police department that had a man arrested on a felony charge of jamming up their emergency lines – even though he did not make a single call – is now taking heat from the local ACLU as well as the local newspaper.
But the Wetumpka Police Department is still sticking to its guns, threatening to arrest anybody else who posts their non-emergency phone number of  (334) 567-5321.

Florida Cop Allows Dog to Maul Man for Riding Bicycle with no Lights

A Florida cop named Lee Coel chased a man down on a bicycle and allowed his service dog maul the man, even though the man was not resisting.
The man’s crime: he did not have a light on his bicycle.
The man’s punishment: 11 days in the hospital where he had to undergo surgery to repair his latissimus dorsi muscle that had been ripped apart by the dog, followed by almost three months in the county jail.
But now a Florida lawyer who has obtained a dash cam video of the incident is preparing to sue the Punta Gorda Police Department for the attack.

Georgia Cops Kill Innocent Man After Responding to Wrong Address

Georgia cops responding to a call of a woman in distress ended up responding to the wrong home, shooting and killing a 63-year-old man who had stepped into his garage with a gun to investigate what he thought were intruders.
Henry County police claim Sergeant Patrick Snook killed William David Powell because he ignored commands to drop his gun.

California Highway Patrol Kills Teenager While Driving and Looking Down at his Computer

In many states, it is illegal to text while driving, including California. But those states all make police exempt from these laws, believing they are adequately trained to use electronic devices.
However, this week, a California Highway Patrol officer rear-ended another car while looking down at his department-issued computer, killing a teenage boy in the back seat.
Weston Sites, 15, died on the scene. The name of the 49-year-old CHP officer has not been released.
The Hyundai struck from behind by a CHP officer that killed 15-year-old Weston Sites.