PINAC News Top 3

South Florida Cop Proven to be Liar by Surveillance Camera in Shooting of Unarmed Man

A South Florida cop who shot a man he had pulled over, then claimed the man kept his hands in his waistband, was proven to be a liar by a surveillance camera.
But Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Rundle Fernandez refused to prosecute South Miami police officer Aryo Rezaie because she would rather not break her 23-year streak of not prosecuting a single police officer for shooting unarmed citizens.

New York DA Accuses Citizen Journalist of Stalking Syracuse Cop by Recording Him in Public

A New York district attorney accused a citizen journalist of stalking a Syracuse police officer by recording him from across the street last week, prompting the cop to walk across the street, punch him in the face and arrest him in a video that ended up going viral.
The only problem is, the evidence on that video does not match the “harassment” charge as it is described in the New York statute.

Missouri Cops Caught on Camera Killing Family Dog

Missouri cops were caught on camera killing a family dog after knocking on a door of a residence and fearing for their lives when the dog came running out to greet them.
Or as they call it, “lunged” at them.
The surveillance video shows Sierra, a rescue dog, did not act any differently than many dogs do when strangers come knocking on the door; a little excited and curious, but probably not planning to do anything but sniff the cop.
Usually, all it takes is to allow the dog to sniff your hand to put it at ease, then pet it. Dogs are not very hard to win over.

North Miami Cop who Shot Caretaker Instead of Autistic Man was Hired After Displaying Warning Signs on Job Application

The award-winning North Miami cop who shot a man laying on the ground with his hands in the air last month, only to later claim he was trying to shoot the man’s autistic companion for wielding a toy truck – which the cop confused for a gun – was deemed a potential problem cop on his job application in 2012.
But warning signs usually turn into welcoming signs in our nation’s police departments, which is why they hired Jonathan Aledda anyway.

Watch: PINAC Correspondent Pulls Over Texas Trooper for Speeding and Receives Immediate Apology

PINAC correspondent Phillip Turner was on his way to court to fight a petty traffic citation when a Texas state trooper sped past him driving at least 90 mph.
At first, Turner figured he was on his way to an emergency, but the trooper never activated his lights, even when he was tailgating drivers in the fast lane.
Instead, the trooper would tailgate them for several seconds before speeding past them.
That was when Turner decided to pull him over.
“I flashed my lights and honked my horns and after a few minutes, he pulled over,” Turner said.

Baltimore County Cop Appears to be Wearing Body Cam in Korryn Gaines Standoff Despite Police Saying There Were None

Korryn Gaines swore to police they would have to take her out in a body bag during a traffic stop back in March.
But Baltimore County police managed to pull her out of her car that day without killing her, throwing her in jail for two days on several misdemeanors after they pulled her over for driving without a proper license plate.
In place of a license place, she had a piece of cardboard that read: “Any government official who compromises this pursuit to happiness and right to travel, will be held criminally responsible and fined, as this is a natural right to freedom.”

New York Cops Run Over Groundhog During Police Union Golf Tournament

In a callous and macabre disregard for life, two New York police officers were seen chasing down and intentionally running over a groundhog with a golf cart.
The incident occurred during a Rensselaer police union golf tournament Friday, so it probably won’t be long before the union informs us that the groundhog was somehow threatening the lives of the officers.

California Cops Shoot Man, but Don’t Explain Why he was Detained in the First Place (Updated)

California police shot a homeless man Monday after claiming he tried to grab one of their guns.
The actual shooting, so far, has not surfaced on video, but the immediate aftermath was recorded and posted on YouTube, showing two Santa Ana police officers detaining a handcuffed man, who is shirtless and on the ground screaming in pain as witnesses yell at the officers to get off him.
A Santa Ana police spokesperson said he was not sure why police tried to detain the 32-year-old man in the first place, but he was sure to mention the officers were in fear for their lives.