PINAC News Top 3

Body Cam Video Contradicts Kentucky Police Narrative of Shooting Death

Body cam video proves three Kentucky cops told tall tales in their narrative on August 4 when they said non-violent 57-year-old Army Veteran Darnell Wicker came at them with a knife and refused their commands to put it down, which made two of them fear for their lives and shoot him several times, killing him.
The knife was actually a handsaw Wicker used for his job as a landscaper, according to USAToday.

NYPD Caught on Video Repeatedly Punching Subdued Man

New York City police officers were caught on video repeatedly punching a man in the face as they pinned him to a floor splattered with blood.
The video posted to Instagram Friday shows two cops and one bystander who decided to jump in to help the cops.
As other witnesses criticize the cops for punching the suspect, the man helping the cops claims he wouldn’t get punched if only he would stop fighting.
But the man does not appear to be fighting in the 26-second video.

No DNA or Fingerprints on Gun Used to Justify New Mexico Police Shooting Death of 19-year-old Woman

Albuquerque police officer Jeremy Dear – whose body camera was unplugged when he killed a woman in 2014 – claimed he was in fear for his life because she had pointed a gun at him.
Now newly surfaced evidence shows Mary Hawkes’ fingerprints or DNA was never on the gun, which Albuquerque police knew all along.
But they had justified the shooting because they said they had traced the gun to a man who once exchanged Facebook messages with the woman.

Watch: Albuquerque Jail Guards Torture Woman for Posters in Cell

It all started when Sergeant Eric Allen found posters on the walls of inmate Susie Chavez’s jail cell inside Metropolitan Detention Center in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
A disturbing video released Wednesday shows Allen, who is in charge of training other jailers on use-of-force, instructing another guard to put Chavez in a wrist-lock because she wouldn’t be quiet.
The video also shows the guards tasering her for asking for one of their names. And then macing her for crying from being tasered.

Los Angeles Deputies Admit to Killing Unarmed, Mentally Ill Man by Mistake

Searching for an armed carjacker who had fired at them more than two hours earlier, Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies came across an unarmed mentally ill man and killed him instead.
Donnell Thompson, 27, had nothing to do with the carjacking, but deputies said he matched the description of one of the carjackers, so they didn’t want to take any chances.
After all, they said, Thompson could have placed the community in danger had they not killed him.

Florida Cops Fabricate Laws to Detain PINAC Reporter for Doing his Job

PINAC reporter Jeff Gray was up to his old tricks again, photographing power plants from public sidewalks, making public records requests at police stations, not breaking any law, when he was approached by cops who accused him of breaking fabricated laws, even going as far as to accuse him of plotting an attack on police.
We’ve seen it all before with Gray; the paranoid cops believing they are keeping the world safe by violating his Constitutional rights, seemingly unconcerned about making fools of themselves on YouTube.

Pennsylvania Mom Denies Son Held Knife to Her Throat when He was Killed by Police

A Pennsylvania cop shot a 20-year-old man to death Sunday night, claiming the man was holding a knife to his mother’s throat.
The man’s mother, however, denies that claim, saying her son never held a knife to her throat.
The Harrisburg Police Department does not use body cameras, so unless a citizen video surfaces, it will remain the cop’s word against the mother’s word.
All that can be confirmed now is that Earl Pinckney was shot dead by a police officer, who has not been named.

Louisiana Deputies Raid Cop’s Home to Identify Blogger Critical of Sheriff

Louisiana deputies served a search warrant last week on the home of a local police officer named Wayne Anderson in an attempt to identify the person behind ExposeDat, an anonymously published government watchdog blog that has been reporting on the ethically questionable business transactions of parish public officials since mid-June.

Newly Surfaced Cell Phone Video Contradicts California Cop Narrative of Shooting Death of Mentally Ill Man

A cell phone video showing Northern California cops gun down a 110-pound mentally ill man last month surfaced this week, showing the man running away from cops when they charge towards him while firing a dozen shots.
Prior to the video surfacing, Sacramento police were claiming the usual: That Joseph Mann turned towards them while holding a knife, then reached into his waistband, which made them fear for their lives, prompting them to shoot him multiple times because they were “worried he might hurt citizens in the area.”