Peter Lavelle

Donald Trump just abandoned American Exceptionalism with this interview (VIDEO)

He is not only not politically correct, but he is also a straight shooter when it come to the reality of American foreign policy. When confronted with the statement “Putin is a killer,” the President said “There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think – our country is innocent?”
This is a stunning statement. Essentially Trump is challenging the issue of American Exceptionalism – no sitting President has ever done that.

NATO is trying to push Donald Trump into a war with Russia (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley used her first appearance before the UN Security Council to condemn Russia for the renewed violence in eastern Ukraine.
What were the “aggressive actions of Russia”? She did not say. Does she accuse Russia of another “invasion” of Ukraine, as Obama’s mouthpieces endlessly claimed without proof? What exactly did she mean?
But things got even stranger…

Where are Chuck Schumer’s tears for Palestine & Donbass? (VIDEO)

Where were Senator Schumer’s tears when Barack Obama was bombing Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan etc…
Now all of a sudden Chuck Schumer is emotional about banning “muslim migrants or refugees” from entering the United States?
What are these migrants or refugees running from? Maybe Obama’s bombing of their country for the last 8 years?

CBS runs a fake news story on RT

CBS has run a factually false and philosophically inane hit piece on RT.
Writing under the headline, “Vladimir Putin’s English-language international mouthpiece”, I knew the story wasn’t going to be anything but more of the same asinine absurdities I have heard time after time.
I wasn’t disappointed.
First of all, Vladimir Putin has no more to do with RT than Queen Elizabeth II has to do with British state-owned broadcaster, BBC.

Julian Assange would be murdered if he walked free (VIDEO)

The Duran’s Peter Lavelle talks about the insurmountable risk that both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden have put themselves in.
As free men or in asylum, the sacrifices and contributions they have made will never be overlooked – especially if both are murdered.

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‘Barack Obama is the most narcissistic person’ (VIDEO)

The Duran’s Peter Lavelle tears apart Obama’s legacy and his actions against whistleblowers.
And why did Barack Obama decide to only now grant Chelsea Manning clemency?

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EXCLUSIVE: RT’s Peter Lavelle Interviews Dr Ron Paul

14th November 2016 21st Century Wire says… In 2008 and 2012, Dr Ron Paul created a libertarian and paleoconservative insurency in America. The country had an opportunity to elect a real stateman and dedicated constitutionalist in Dr Paul, but unfortunately he could not overcome establishment gatekeepers within his own party, as well as in the corrupt US mainstream…