Peter Lavelle

Here’s undeniable proof NATO is wracked by hypocrisy (VIDEO)

Though the Soviet Union ended in 1991, the military alliance formed to oppose it is still forging ahead, expanding its borders and searching for new enemies.
Since pre-industrial fundamentalists hiding in Afghan caves turned out not to be effective as an indelible threat in the public consciousness, NATO fell back to the old standby to justify its existence: Russia.
But while member states are happy to hawk the so-called Russia threat for political purposes, only a few are willing to actually spend the 2% of GDP on defense required by the alliance.

Watch CNN censor guests for calling them FAKE NEWS on air (VIDEO)

In the battle between fake and real news sources, mainstream media are being badly beaten by alternative news sites like The Duran.
The US establishment invented the term “fake news” in an attempt to discredit any information not coming from its sanctioned outlets like The New York Times, Washington Post, and big TV networks.
But critics have turned the tables, charging the purveyors of the “fake news” narrative with being fake news themselves.

CNN is TERRIFIED by the growth of alternative media sources (VIDEO)

The US mainstream media is fighting a losing battle against the rise of online alternative media like The Duran.
While corporate-sponsored establishment outlets like CNN and the New York Times denounce alt media as so-called “fake news,” it is they who prove themselves the true purveyors of falsity on a daily basis.
Here’s analysis from The Duran’s Peter Lavelle:

Like Andrew Jackson, Donald Trump is a shock to the system (VIDEO)

The Duran’s Peter Lavelle sat down recently to give his take on the attempts to find a parallel between Donald Trump and previous US presidents.
While Trump is certainly a unique phenomenon, it turns out he is also quite like Andrew Jackson, America’s 7th president, in his powerful populist appeal and determination to take on the establishment.
Watch below, and continue supporting The Duran for more unique videos!

CNN’s Chris Cuomo hates being called ‘fake news’ (VIDEO)

More and more people are beginning to realize how terrible, inaccurate, and fake CNN is, that the network and it’s personalities are pulling out all the stops to try and deflect any of the well-deserved criticism. And in expected liberal fashion, Chris Cuomo resorts to race baiting to distract sensitive viewers from CNN’s plummeting numbers.