Peter Lavelle

Donald Trump has a serious problem – and it’s not the Democrats (VIDEO)

After the failure of President Trump to obtain a vote on repealing and replacing Obamacare, many are asking the question whether The Donald has what it takes to push his agenda through congress.
Although Trump has long maintained, in his public speeches and writings, that walking away from a bad deal is part of “The Art of the Deal,” the question remains if “Trumpcare” was really a deal he wanted to walk away from, or if he simply failed to corral dissenting members of the Republican Party.

Handshakegate: Trump did shake Merkel’s hand, yet media goes berserk (VIDEO)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent meeting with Donald Trump in Washington doesn’t appear to have been highly productive.
Though publicly cordial, Merkel staked out a position against Trump during his campaign on virtually every big issue he ran on: immigration, trade, and foreign policy.
Merkel now faces one of two choices: either try to walk back and stay onboard with the new Trump White House, or try to lead Europe alone in continued pursuit of the globalist agenda.

The fake news media is running out of ways to blame Russia (VIDEO)

While there is still no shortage of stories in the media attacking President Donald Trump (one might say, it has become their raison d’etre), the narrative to do with Russia has begun to drop from front pages.
If there were any concrete evidence revealing Donald Trump or members of his administration to be agents of Russian influence, we would have seen it long ago.
When MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tried to hawk the Russian conspiracy story recently, she took a huge hit in ratings.

Dutch government displays its hypocrisy with ban on Turkish officials (VIDEO)

The tit-for-tat diplomatic battle between Turkey and the Netherlands has been one of the top international stories this week.
It all started with the Dutch refusing to allow the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, entry to the Netherlands to attend a rally of the Turkish expatriate community.
The rally was being held in support of a referendum called by Turkish president Erdogan to greatly expand his powers.

There’s a SWAMP in DC, and there’s a CESSPOOL in Europe (VIDEO)

One month into the Trump era, it’s merely stating the obvious to say that Donald Trump has been a veritable earthquake to the powers-that-be in the USA.
As Trump himself often reminds audiences, he is not alone, but has taken the mantle of leadership of a true conservative movement.
As The Duran’s Peter Lavelle and Alex Christoforou (off camera) discuss in the following video, the political left in its arrogance was totally blind to the fact that the right also had the capacity to organize – that is had agency.

Jeff Sessions and Russia – is it now illegal to talk to foreigners? (VIDEO)

The same Russophobic scare campaign that is being used to tar US President Donald Trump, and successfully brought down National Security Advisor Mike Flynn after only a month in office, is now being turned against Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Sessions’ crime? Meeting with the Russian ambassador to the United States. Did he give away classified info? No, that’s not being alleged. Did they discuss ways to undermine US security? No, there are no facts to support that either.

Why Donald Trump will WIN against the lying mass media (VIDEO)

The vicious conflict between US President Donald Trump and the mainstream media shows no signs of abating.
But the mass media’s monopoly on the flow of information is breaking. Their days are numbered.
If it will not report factually, the traditional corporate mass media will lose its place in democratic society.
The Duran’s Peter Lavelle explains why he Donald Trump will ultimately prevail against the US mainstream media in the battle over fake news.