perfidious Republicans

Right-wingers starve the IRS and then make up stories about why it can't collect taxes

Right-wingers like to make up stories about who's playing politics with the IRS. It's easier when you've bestowed upon yourself an unlimited license to KenThroughout tax season we kept hearing horror stories about normal IRS help being unavailable to taxpayers, thanks to the ravages of right-wing budget-cutters. These are, of course, the liars and lunatics who spend their delusional waking hours railing against government waste.

Dementedly truth-free right-wingers double down on their bottom line: "We can't (or just don't wanna) handle the truth!"

This hilarious photo of Chairman Trey -- master of the House's select committee on Benghazi Made-Up Stuff -- was posted with Dana Milbank's column. It looks like the chairman is wearing the suit (and tie) his mommy bought for him the day he first went out selling snake oil."The Republican Party has finally admitted what has been fairly obvious for much of the past six years: It produces fake news.