Syria: Blow by Blow
It appears Syria and Russia are working one location. As Turkish backed rebels work another. Moving on Idlib? Limited fighting? Something else? Perhaps cooperative? In the spirit of Adana?
What does it all mean?VOA
It appears Syria and Russia are working one location. As Turkish backed rebels work another. Moving on Idlib? Limited fighting? Something else? Perhaps cooperative? In the spirit of Adana?
What does it all mean?VOA
Raqqa, flattenedI’d expect this was done with the intent to create these unstable feral cities on Syrian territory. Making them a laboratory for experimentation on military strategy and of course how humans can adapt to such horrific surroundings.Certainly the concept of “Feral Cities” was created for a strategic military purpose. In plain talk this was not happenstance. This is military doctrine.
Continuing on with the idea we need to understand and re-embrace our space/place on this planet..
The book below is one I will be purchasing in short order:
hattippin anonymous commenter for this excellent article-
Settle: resolve or reach an agreement Arab Weekly Speculative but interesting..Read entirely at the link. I’m just excerpting a few paragraphs below:
Rather then a statement, my headline is posing this idea, of it not being to late from stopping Turkey from realigning with Russia, as a question.Carnegie Europe/OpEd
Link Stabilizing Force = Occupation Force
....But they won’t. Soldiers are guinea pigs for vaccines. Always have been. There is zero doubt in my mind that every single one of these sailors were fully up to date with their vaccines. And then some.