perception management

Khalifa Haftar: Friend of Israel, Not A Force for Good In Libya

Dedicated to the many dis/misinformants that populate the so called alt media, including Mark Sleboda,  MoA,  & 21st Century. While Canthama and other disinformers who resided at Syper,  extol the unimpeachable virtue of  Saint Haftar as everyday ritual.

Khalifa Haftar is not a force for good in Libya


US Escalation in Iraq: Taking Kirkuk & Further Entrenching the US in the Region

Happy New Year to All !!My crummy cold prevented me from extending well wishes and following up on my previous post.. Still under the weather, but, this report needs to be publishedI’m going to hattip Scott at Nomadic Everyman for flipping the switch and helping to answer questions posed in the previous post.  Latest Report: Ambassador flees as Iraqis storm US embassy- 750 Troops Deploy Immediately With More To Come

Pt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the Mediterranean Sea

We’ve long talked here about the remake the region (MENA) the one that’s been occurring since 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, but, one can go even further back to the invasion of Afghanistan. Generally when this topic is written about here the ‘03 date is used as the start date of the ‘birth pangs of the new middle east” The Mediterranean Sea, as mentioned, is currently the sea at the center of much conflict and competition. No different from it's past.

Pro War "Left" and Usrael's Kurds in Syria

And yes there is a pro war "left" out there.. they are the writers who gloss over the FACT that Syria's being chopped up and push the idea that north eastern Syria belongs to some group of alleged 'egalitarian' democratic persons... Who stand for nothing but peace, love and understanding making all this death and destruction 'a good thing'.  They are the sites/authors that advance the cause of "greater Kurdistan" or write about Rojova as if it exists, while never asking if it actually does? Or should? Or, what was the cost for it's creation? Who really desired this creation?

MoA: Targeting Turkey for the Empire- Showing the barflies "the way" to........

 hell? .... destabilizing Turkey for the remake? Intentional or not the outcome is the same.One of the usual suspects, long time suspect in my opinion, who has been steadily massaging perceptions with regard to Turkey was recently at at again. Turkey is and has been targeted in the remake the region agenda. That’s been long obvious to some of us. Obfuscated by too many others, including, yet again, Moon of Alabama. A brief aside- many years ago when this blog started others warned me about Moon of Alabama.