
DEMS WARN, Pack court, riots. Pelosi, IMPEACH Trump & Barr. NANCY-BOT system reboot

Via NY Post (…
President Trump on Monday predicted that Democrats moving to impeach him in an effort to block a Senate vote to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would backfire and Republicans would win back the House.

Why Exactly Today's House Democrats Never Fail To Disappoint

Last cycle, Pelosi's dreadfully corrupt-- as in just like a GOP pay-to-play outfit-- SuperPAC, the House Majority PAC, spent $72,107,669, very little of it supporting progressives and almost all of it supporting New Dems and Blue Dogs from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. These were the 26 candidates who got the most help-- over a million dollars from Pelosi (and not counting the money the DCCC spent in these districts).

Rod Rosenstein the lovebird leaker. Senate impeachment circus begins (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the beginning of the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. Will we get a fair and real trial. will we see Hunter Biden testify, or will the Republican in the U.S. Senate move to dismiss impeachment process and end the Pelosi charade.
Meanwhile, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has admitted to giving the text messages of FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to the press in 2017.

The Fake Impeachment: Pelosi’s Botched Ploy Helps Trump Towards Victory

And so it came to pass, that in the deep state’s frenzy of electoral desperation, the ‘impeachment’ card was played. The hammer has fallen. Nearly the entirety of the legacy media news cycle has been dedicated to the details, and not really pertinent details, but the sorts of details which presume the validity of the charges against Trump in the first place. Yes, they all beg the question.