peace process

The Peace Process Hustle – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

An intractable process, one that never seems to resolve itself, is either no process at all or a fraudulent one contrived to hide an ulterior motive. The so-called Israeli-Palestinian (at one time the Israeli-Arab) “peace process,” now in its sixth decade (counting from 1948) or fourth decade (counting from 1967) is, and probably always has been, just such a fraud.


by Dr. Lawrence Davidson


Exit Agent Hague…still making excuses for Israel

Hague messed with our universal jurisdiction laws to provide a safe haven for Israel’s war crimes suspects, notably Tzipi Livni who was largely responsible for the terror that brought death and destruction to Gaza’s civilians in the vicious blitzkrieg known as Operation Cast Lead, in which 1,400 Gazans were slaughtered including 320 children and 109 women, and thousands more horribly maimed. Livni was unrepentant.


The glue that holds us all together

Abandoned for 66 years by the international community to Israeli war crimes, Palestine needs friends.  Palestine, don’t despair. You are not alone, you have friends around the world: people, strangers, you may never meet, but who, like you have families, jobs, and who share the Palestinian dream of freedom and justice to which they are quietly and actively dedicated.



The New York Times Declares the Peace Process Futile – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

Part I

 In 1988 Yasser Arafat declared independence for Palestine based upon the notion of two states living in peace in historic Palestine. The border between those two states was to be set roughly at the armistice line established at the end of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. The Palestinian state’s capital was to be located in East Jerusalem.

As peace talks falter, Israel’s intentions become clearer

“For every settler home built, Palestinians lose territory needed not only for a state but also to keep individual families living where they are now. The innocuous term “settlements” conceals their true role: as Israel’s primary vehicle for ethnic cleansing Palestinians through dispossession and harassment”
by Jonathan Cook