Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman has a message for policy-makers: "Where we are is not O.K. Stop shrugging, and do your jobs"

Patrick Chappatte [click to enlarge]"For more than three years some of us have fought the policy elite's damaging obsession with budget deficits, an obsession that led governments to cut investment when they should have been raising it, to destroy jobs when job creation should have been their priority.

Someone Needs To Tell Obama There's A Great Democratic Candidate Running For Governor Of New Jersey

Last year Obama beat Romney in New Jersey 2,117,175 (58%) to 1,472,709 (41%). In 2008 he had beaten McCain with 57%. Yesterday Obama supporters in the Beltway media were touting how the Republican plans to sabotage the Affordable Care Act could well backfire on GOP governors and legislators who are obstructing it.