Paul Krugman

"Business leaders often give remarkably bad economic advice, especially in troubled times" (Paul Krugman)

"[D]oesn’t [successful business people's] success with money mean that they know how the economy really works? Actually, no. In fact, business leaders often give remarkably bad economic advice, especially in troubled times."-- Paul Krugman, in his NYT column today, "Business vs.

Paul Krugman's Powerful Indictment Of The Republican Party's War Against Working Families

The Republicans love it when feeble-minded or low-info independents and moderates blame "both sides" for governmental dysfunction instead of focusing, for example, on the conservative ideology and GOP mania to shrink government so that they can drown it in a bathtub... in the poetic words of Republican crooked lobbyist and power monger Grover Norquist.

Trickle Up? Not While Blue Dogs And New Dems Hold Powerful Positions Inside The Democratic Party

There are so few of them left (22), that it's pretty easy to keep track of the handful of mangy Blue Dogs left in Congress. Basically the same species-- just with less overt bigotry-- the New Dems are not as well known-- unless you're on Wall Street or K Street. Here's the whole disgusting list-- in short the Republican wing of the Democratic Party inside the House of Representatives:

Since 1990 Oil Companies Have Paid Republicans $163,773,719 To Not Believe In Climate Change

My grandfather was a Socialist who was proud to have voted for FDR in 1932, 1936, 1940 and 1944. A couple of decades after his last vote for Roosevelt, I had come on the scene and he told me too never trust the Democrats. No, he hadn't turned Republican, of course, he just saw how the corporate warmongers and Southern racists were able to extort effective control over the party on crucial issues. I've usually taken his advice to heart.

Has Pointless Racism Driven The Republican Party Mad?

Last night, writing about the need to cope with China's role in Climate Change, Paul Krugman pointed out that "any attempt to make sense of current American politics must take into account this particular indicator of the Republican Party’s descent into madness." Krugman's analysis stands up across a dozen "issues," but it doesn't take into account the bitter and primitive racism and white outrage at the heart of the deranged and persistent drive to delegitimize the presidency of Barack Obama, a der