Patrick Hope

There's Hope: Patrick Hope-- Guest Post From A Proud Virginia Progressive

I had a long talk about the crucial issues facing the country with Arlington, Virginia Delegate Patrick Hope. His vision is progressive and his temperament matches his vision. He'd make a great addition to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. I asked him to introduce himself to DWT readers. He just sent this today:Thank you for this opportunity to write a guest post on Down With Tyranny.

Political Transformationalism

Kyrsten Sinema ran for Congress last year as a progressive. She called me several times asking for money. But something in her story didn't add up. She didn't sound like a progressive; she sounded like a phony careerist who would say anything for a nickel. Even though I was on a board with her and everyone else was giving, I was turned off by her sleazy pitches and didn't contribute or put her up for a Blue America endorsement.

Hope In Northern Virginia

There are two congressional retirements at the end of this term in Virginia, Jim Moran and Frank Wolf. Wolf's district leans Democratic but still has a PVI of R+2. In 2008 Obama beat McCain 51-48%. In 2012, Romney squeaked by Obama 50-49% The DCCC and testate Democratic Party see the seat as a good pick up opportunity. Due east-- and meeting along Dolley Madison Blvd and Chain Bridge Road in McLean-- is a VA-08, Moran's much bluer seat. The PVI is a healthy D+16.