
More EU troubles, as Spain removes its prime minister from office (Video)

Spanish lawmakers voted 180 to 169 to remove Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy, cutting short the second term of one of Europe’s longest-serving leaders currently in power.
The center-left Socialist Party spearheaded a no-confidence vote last week proposing to replace Rajoy.
Rajoy become the first prime minister in Spain’s democratic history to be ousted by parliament after losing the vote, as his administration remains engulfed in a massive corruption scandal.
Rajoy will be replaced by the Socialist opposition leader Pedro Sánchez.

Crisis for Britain’s democracy: Theresa May bypasses UK Parliament on a question of war and peace in Syria

Nothing illustrates better the total collapse not just of constitutional safeguards but of any semblance of critical thinking in the British news media than the fact that British Prime Minister Theresa May’s extraordinary decision to ignore the opinions of the British Parliament on a question of war or peace in Syria is receiving barely any criticism in the media.
On the contrary shrill voices in the media are egging her on to go to war without consulting Parliament.

THERESA MAY & the DUP: Moral Hypocrisy, State-Sponsored Terror & Why This Feels Sinister…

It is not all that often that something happens that seems to conveniently bring together so many of the different subjects I’ve been talking about recently. In this case, concerning Theresa May and the DUP, this article manages to string together multiple subjects I’ve been posting about previously, including false-flag terrorism, MI5 and state collusion […]

Britain must change its political system

After several recent US elections, many have challenged the viability of the electoral college system which formally allocates votes which determine who will become President.
With several uncertain elections and a history changing  Brexit referendum whose conclusion is anything but certain, it is necessary to examine whether Britain ought to thoroughly revise its electoral system.
It is high time for Britain to consider a republican form of government, one that can be accomplished with or without abolishing the figurative role of the monarchy.

ISIS Strikes Again, Attack On Iran’s Capitol Kills 12, Dozens Wounded

An armed man stands in a window of the parliament building in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday, June 7, 2017. . (Fars News/Omid Vahabzadeh via AP)
TEHRAN, Iran — ISIS claimed responsibility Wednesday for a stunning pair of attacks on Iran’s parliament and the mausoleum of its modern founder, the first such attack claimed by the Sunni extremist group in the Shiite-ruled nation.

The Case Against Asma al-Assad: A Darker Motive Behind Calls for Her Citizenship to be Revoked…?

I posted up an old video of Asma al-Assad last week, because I thought her sentiments in the recording really resonated with what has been going on in Syria and the Middle East in recent years. I didn’t know, however, that a couple of days later the UK newspapers would feature sudden articles calling for […]

‘Crush the Saboteurs’, Neutralise Parliament & Set Up a One-Party State…?

Theresa May’s sudden call for a General Election – to be held on June 8th – caught many by surprise. Having previously said on multiple occasions that she didn’t intend to hold another election, she suddenly changed her mind. The question is why. Some have quickly suggested that, aside from seeking to strengthen her mandate […]