Parkland School Shooting

Shocking Similarities between Shootings at Ft Lauderdale Airport And Parkland High School. Same Police Standown. Same Sheriff.

In both cases, the shooters claimed to be in a daze and felt they were being mind controlled. In both cases, they said they heard voices in their heads urging them to kill. In both cases, the killers were well known to police as highly dangerous but were not apprehended. In both cases, the police stood down long enough to allow the shooters to use their ammunition before moving in to stop them. And in both cases, Sheriff Israel used the tragedy to call for confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.

Parkland Student Says They Were Warned about a Realistic Drill with Blank Gunshots

Thomas Holgate, a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student, said that he heard thuds, but thought that they were blanks. He thought it was a drill because for a year and a half the students had been told that there was going to be a school shooter “drill” that was set to be as real as possible, shooting blanks, with a SWAT team and helicopters. [...]

Broward County Sheriff Sidesteps Question When Asked If His Deputies at the Scene of the Florida Shooting Were Told to “Stand Down”

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel avoided a clear answer when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked him if four deputies who waited outside while the shooting was underway were ordered over the radio to stand down during the Parkland school shooting. Be sure to watch all three short videos. [Listen carefully, and you will recognize that the sheriff appears to be building an explanation that a stand-down order may have been sent out by a deputy officer who was not authorized to give such an order. If so, they might be preparing a scapegoat to take the heat off the Sheriff.