
Vatican 2, Geopolitics, the CIA & the Jesuits – Wemhoff’s Book (Half)

Tonight I will be covering the first several chapters of traditionalist Catholic lawyer David Wemhoff’s magisterial Cold War analysis of the geopolitical forces in the background of Vatican II.  Contrary to the standard “trad” narrative, Wemhoff forces trads to swallow a new reddplLL that the CIA co-opted the Roman church through Vatican 2 operatives like Jesuit John Courtney Murray, CD Jackson and Henry Luce of Time Magazine.

Medieval Heresy: Cathars, Cults, Papal Power – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk I will cover my extensive notes from the magisterial scholarly work on latin medieval movements of of the western medieval cults, Malcolm Lambert’s Medieval Heresy. We will look at the sects and secret societies, manifold heterodox and their papal challengers, as well as the ideological motivations. Also covered is the papal “reforms” and the relationship to the Orthodox East. After many years of reflection on this topic from the Orthodox vantage, we will be able to read this work in a new light. The full talk is for paid subs to JaysAnalyisis below.


Icons, Idols & Iconoclasm – Jay Dyer / Snek

Snek joins me to discuss the nature of iconoclasm and its gnostic roots.  Man, made in the image and likeness of God, is a little icon of the Triad, say St. Maximos and St. Gregory Palamas.  Iconography is thus a natural outworking of the incarnational principle.   The sanctification of matter is part and parcel of the Word becoming flesh. Live at 5PM CST

The Orthodox View of Scripture

Apologist Sam Shamoun, the Assyrian Encyclopedia, invited me on to discuss the Orthodox view of Tradition and Scripture, why we don’t accept sola scriptura, and how this contrasts with the other guests Sam had on. Dr. Robert Sunegnis presented a 2 hour talk that failed to really even address the actual issues, and Anthony Rogers presented the Calvinist view. In my talk I respond to both views, and stress the importance of this question.