
The University of Chicago’s College of Medicine on COVID-19 [Video link]

Every since the novel coronavirus and the associated illness called COVID-19 entered the news stream, one might think that Stephen King’s The Stand, or Michael Crichton’s Andromeda Strain might have come to life. Biosuits. Quarantine of cities, regions and nations. People falling over dead on video. News blackouts and propaganda.

Coronavirus begins its advance in the USA and Europe [Video]

When the novel coronavirus first made its appearance in Wuhan, China, it was newsworthy, but it seemed difficult to trust the information coming out of China, due to its communist governmental structure. To some extent, this suspicion appears to have been justified, as one of the main doctors who warned his own government about the danger of this virus just died from it. Now the virus appears to be making rapid advances in free nations, most notably Italy, South Korea and Japan, and in Iran, sadly taking the life of one of Ayatollah Khameini’s top advisers on Monday morning, March 2nd.

One tale of an American coronavirus patient

For your consideration, we are starting to get personal accounts from people who are experiencing the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. While there is certainly cause to be skeptical, considering all the rhetorical hyperbole versus the real effect of the outbreak on world markets and events, pieces like what follows do seem to give consistent information. So, without further ado…