pandemic treaty

The WHO Pandemic Agreement is Not Just Worrying – It’s Also Really Stupid

The WHO Pandemic Agreement has worried many, and justifiably so, as it further empowers the WHO and the whole pandemic preparedness crowd. But what it proposes is also really stupid, says Eugyppius.
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If You Think Parliament Will Get Any Opportunity to Scrutinise the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Think Again

The WHO Pandemic Treaty is a legally binding agreement that will commit the U.K. to adopt all measures set out by the Director-General during a future 'pandemic'. Yet Parliament will at no point scrutinise or vote on it.
The post If You Think Parliament Will Get Any Opportunity to Scrutinise the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Think Again appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Once the WHO Gets its Pandemic Treaty, How Long Till it Declares the Next ‘Pandemic’?

Once the WHO gets its pandemic treaty, putting it in charge during self-declared 'emergencies', how long do you think until it declares the next 'pandemic', asks Dr. Angus Dalgleish.
The post Once the WHO Gets its Pandemic Treaty, How Long Till it Declares the Next ‘Pandemic’? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

The WHO Pandemic Treaty is ‘Binding’ But it’s Not Enforceable

The WHO is not taking over, says Prof Bruce Pardy. Instead, the Pandemic Treaty will make it the "handmaiden for a coordinated global biomedical state". Its diktats may be 'binding' but they're not enforceable.
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Dire Warning Against the United Nations ‘Pandemic Treaty’ that Can Force Vaccines and Passports

The Pandemic Treaty will give the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and its signatory. countries the ability to define a public emergency on any basis! The treaty will allow the denial of beneficial drugs like ivermectin. Passports that limit travel and access to resources and necessities may also be forced.

A Letter from India: Stop WHO’s ‘Pandemic Preparedness’ Tyranny

Colin Todhunter The global pandemic preparedness accord (‘pandemic treaty’) currently being put in place by the World Health Organization (WHO) will pave the way for “a fascist approach to societal management.” The beneficiaries will be unscrupulous corporations and investors whom the COVID‐19 response served well. This will result in the loss of human rights and …