Panchayati Raj Institutions

Tracing Panchayati Raj’s role in deepening democracy and decolonising governance over 30 years

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Constitution Amendments that led to the three-tier Panchayati Raj structures. The 73rd Amendment further led to legislation for its extension into tribal areas (Scheduled Areas) and the Forest Rights Act. Tracing the history of 30 years, the saga of decentralisation without democratisation is the story of hope to despair, writes C.R. Bijoy[Read More...]

Changes Needed in Panchayati Raj and Decentralized Administration

India has established an elaborate three-tier system of decentralisation known as Panchayati Raj. This is in tune with the three tier administrative system of village panchayat, block and district level. However some changes in this system have been overdue.  Before making some important suggestions   this writer will like to clarify that no retrenchment or loss of job ( or even[Read More...]

Functioning of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Bihar: Devolution or Delegation?

The upcoming panchayat election in Bihar is a good occasion to examine the broader issues faced by the Panchayati Raj Institution (“PRIs”) in Bihar. According to media reports, the State Election Commission of Bihar has started to prepare for the upcoming panchayat election in Bihar, and the poll process would commence from the end of August.[1] Preceded by a 23-year[Read More...]