
Dear Mr. Putin…

Americans see the fire and smoke in Odessa and we know that our government is lying. We know the truth about our government; it is not a government of all. It is a vampire called empire. It has an insatiable thirst. We Americans are already being ravaged by the fire and the smoke of our empire
“A point comes when caution ends and cowardice begins.” -Eldridge Cleaver.

Terrorism: A “Human Rights” Research !!

In 1997-8, the suicide bombing operations that were done by the Palestinian uprising youths were at their top scale. The zionist society then was in horror anticipating when and where the next operation is going to happen. I remember at that time, late in the evening, a jewish friend came paranoid to my apartment in Ramallah, the West Bank. She got horridly into my room horrified and laid in my bed asking me to stay with me for a couple of days. Her face showed contours of horror as she spoke to me. I calmed her down and we sat …