
Journalists blast Israeli government cartoon mocking Gaza news coverage

RT | June 17, 2015 Israel’s Foreign Ministry has produced a 50-second cartoon mocking foreign reporting on Gaza, urging people to see that “terrorism rules” there. Apart from arguably lacking comedic value, the clip was slammed as being in poor taste by international media. The animated short shows a blond, presumably American reporter in Gaza […]

International Women’s Day: Palestinian Female Prisoners and the Struggle for a Free Palestine

Israeli soldiers escort blindfolded Palestinian women to the Kissufim Israeli army base,after they were detained during a military operation in the Gaza Strip, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008.(AP Photo/Yehuda Lahiani)

The Palestinian society is exposed daily to Israeli occupation repressive measures, including the kidnapping and detention of more than 800,000 Palestinians since 1967, including over 15,000 women.


Catholic Bishops From Around The World Visit Gaza: “Terrible Destruction, Shocking Scandal

Catholic Bishops From Around The World Visit Gaza: “Terrible Destruction, Shocking Scandal”: Israeli Settlements “Illegal Under International Law.. Simply Unjust”…
“Political leaders must defend the human dignity of the people in Gaza,” Bishops Say