
Ex-prisoner reveals tragedies of female captives in Israeli jails

GAZA, (PIC)– During the cold spells every winter, the freed prisoner Fatima Al-Zak sadly remembers the female prisoners in the Israeli jails who had never been warm during that cold season.
Fatima had endured the freezing cold in the Israeli dungeons for more than 6 years, which led her to suffer from chronic diseases.
Difficult conditions

Death Penalty: A State of Assassins !!

There’s a worldwide debate over the “legality” of Death Penalty, Execution or Capital Punishment as it is referred to in the different legal systems. There are people and organizations who support capital punishment and even with increasing its rates and the legislation that widens its range alleging that it deters and reduce capital crimes within the society. However, others, people and organizations are against it and fighting and campaigning to stop it as an inhuman way of punishing individuals for committing crimes and offenses that the whole society is responsible for.

Brainwashed Palestinians

Once, a friend of mine, a Palestinian writer (or actually trying to be a writer) told me that he wants to write a story or a novel about the Massada myth .. he was obsessed with that idea and repeated it several times, and finally I told him that he’d better write about a heroic event from our own Palestinian or Arab history, but not to promote a zionist myths!