
How the Seizure of a Radio Station Led to the Seizure of $305,000 from KPFA

A few days ago federal marshals seized $305,000 from KPFA, a progressive radio station in the San Francisco Bay Area. A court awarded this money to John Vernile, a former Executive Director (ED) of the Pacifica, the parent organization of KPFA and four other sister stations, along with over 200 affiliate stations. Although Vernile held […]

We Love the CIA! How the Left Lost its Mind

The Resistance is steering so much of the left into a hard-right turn — including even Pacifica’s KPFA Radio-Berkeley.
On July 22 this year, nearly two years after Trump’s election and the rise of “The Resistance,” I tuned in to KPFA-Berkeley’s Sunday Show and heard host Philip Maldari speaking to The Nation’s national affairs correspondent John Nichols: