Abbas’ Big Bluff on War Crimes Bid against Israel

Intense pressure from Israel and the US last week on members of the United Nations Security Council narrowly averted Washington’s embarrassment at being forced to veto a Palestinian resolution to end the occupation.
The Palestinians’ failure to get the necessary votes saved the White House’s blushes but at a cost: the claim that the US can oversee a peace process promising as its outcome a Palestinian state is simply no longer credible.

Zionist War on Gaza

It is important to understand the genesis of the present round of violence between Israel and Hamas, really between Israel and the people of Gaza.
Both President Obama, Secretary Kerry, and the American news media have consistently described the conflict as Israel justifiably responding to the firing or rockets into Israel by Hamas and protecting their citizens, as if world history only began at this moment and that prior context did not exists.

Palestinian Collaboration Overshadows Latest Talks

Shortly after the signing of the Oslo accords between Israel and the PLO in 1993, the Jerusalem Post ran a cartoon that depicted a critical aspect of those accords which has rarely been discussed much less acknowledged. In the cartoon, a smiling Yasser Arafat was sitting upright on a stretcher giving a “V” sign. The stretcher bearers were Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres.

Palestinian Authority: Israel’s Doppelgänger

In popular idiom, doppelgänger hails from the German, meaning “look-alike” in behaviour or physical appearance.
The frontline of Palestinian non-violent resistance in the West Bank of the State of Palestine, is not in Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority (PA), the PLO and the Palestinian National Council (PNC), but in the many villages, like Bill’in, Nil’ilin, Nabi Saleh, Kufr Kaddum, Al Maasara, Hizma, Al Walaja, Bab Al Shams, Burin, Budrus, that the PA supposedly is meant to represent and protect.

Terrorism: A “Human Rights” Research !!

In 1997-8, the suicide bombing operations that were done by the Palestinian uprising youths were at their top scale. The zionist society then was in horror anticipating when and where the next operation is going to happen. I remember at that time, late in the evening, a jewish friend came paranoid to my apartment in Ramallah, the West Bank. She got horridly into my room horrified and laid in my bed asking me to stay with me for a couple of days. Her face showed contours of horror as she spoke to me. I calmed her down and we sat …