
Les 1 % les plus riches possèdent désormais davantage que les 99 % restants

Le rapport d’Oxfam de 2015 l’avait prédit, c’est chose faite. Enfin ! Les 1% les plus riches détiennent plus de richesses que les 99% autres.  De quoi sabrer le champagne, c’est historique ! Les pauvres, les sans dents, les gueux ont encore un peu plus la tête sous l’eau et l’auront ad vitam æternam, quelle belle nouvelle ! Le système […]

Destructive Austerity

With Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at US $ 2.94 trillion (2014), the UK has the fifth largest economy in the world after Germany and Japan. It also suffers from acute income and wealth inequality and, according to Oxfam, who know all about poverty, “one in five [or 20%] of the population live below our official poverty line, meaning that they experience life as a daily struggle.”

World of Resistance (WOR) Report

In Part 1 of the World of Resistance (WoR) Report, I examined today’s global order – or disorder – through the eyes of Zbigniew Brzezinski, a former U.S. National Security Adviser and long-time influential figure in foreign policy circles. Brzezinski articulated what he refers to as humanity’s “global political awakening,” spurred by access to education, technology and communications among much of the world’s population.

An ugly ending to Oxfam-Johansson saga

By Jonathon Cook | January 30, 2014

Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank.