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Copying Hillary Clinton, now France’s Emmanuel Macron claims to be Russia’s target

It was completely predictable and it has now happened.
Emmanuel Macron, the ‘Golden Boy’ candidate who is now being heavily promoted in the French Presidential election by the French and European establishment, and who – not coincidentally – is the only candidate in the French Presidential election who supports the current confrontational policy against Russia, has borrowed a leaf from Hillary Clinton’s play-book and is alleging that he will be the target of a ‘fake news’/cyber attack organised by Russia.

DEVELOPING: Syrian army ‘less than 20 km from Palmyra’

The Russian General Staff has commented on the progress army as it continues offensive in central Syria against ISIS.
Starting in December ISIS launched a major offensive in central and eastern Syria.  This captured Palmyra and a belt of gas fields west of Palmyra, and also involved a major attack on the besieged eastern desert city of Deir Ezzor.

Heartbreaking “Black Days of Ukraine” photo collection wins top prize at World Press Photo competition [Photos]

Valery Melnikov’s collection of photographs, titled “Black Days of Ukraine”, won the top award in the Long-Term Projects category at the prestigious World Press Photo photojournalism event.
The winning photos from the Sputnik News Agency photojournalist showed the human cost of the conflict in Ukraine.

6 ways Obama sabotaged Donald Trump’s incoming term as POTUS

It becoming very obvious by now that former President Obama is working diligently to make sure Donald Trump’s presidency fails.
Obama, the narcissistic community organizer, made sure that Trump had a bumpy transition before entering the White House, and is now working in the shadows to keep America divided and fractured.
Obama will do whatever it takes to preserve his neo-liberal legacy, and make sure America becomes anything but ‘great again.’
Here are six ways former President Obama sabotaged, or is sabotaging, President Trump’s tenure as POTUS…

John McCain and President Trump are at war, but these photos show Senator McCain in bed with Al Qaeda and ISIS

President Trump and Senator John McCain continue to ramp up their media war, after Senator McCain called the US President’s raid in Yemen a failure.
The Yemen raid left one Navy SEAL and a number of civilians dead.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the raid was a success, and anyone critical of it was doing a disservice to the fallen SEAL.

Russia will not sell Snowden to Trump; here’s why

On Friday 10th February 2017 NBC circulated a report the Russian government in order to improve relations with the Trump administration was preparing to hand Edward Snowden over to the US.
The report obviously worried Snowden himself, who tweeted that the report proved that he was not and never had been a Russian agent.  That suggests that he took the report seriously.