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How General Flynn’s accusers broke the law ‘behaved like police state’

The ouster of General Michael Flynn, President Trump’s National Security Adviser, marks the moment when the campaign waged against Donald Trump by certain members of the US intelligence community tipped over into outright illegality.
Moreover the law that was broken is a very serious one, and if the case is followed up – which it may be – and if the people involved are caught – which they might be – they could face long prison sentences.

This is the neocon “hit list” of people in the Trump Administration that are targeted for removal

The neocons, in partnership with their neo-liberal left minions, have efficiently disposed of General Michael Flynn, and now three more Trump loyalists are marked for removal.
Here are the Trump White House team members that are next in line to be picked off by the neocon establishment, as the DC swamp rises up to consolidate its hold on the office of the US President.

New engine for Russia’s Sukhoi T50 to be tested this year

Russia’s newest front line fighter – the Sukhoi T50 – is to be tested with its new engine over the course of this year.
The Sukhoi T-50 has up to now been powered AL-41F1 engine with 93.1 kN (21,000 lbf) of dry thrust, 147.1 kN (33,067 lbf).  It is an advanced derivative of the AL-31 engine that powers the preceding Sukhoi SU-27 family of fighters.