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Russia NOT involved in ‘Montenegro coup’

As the hysteria over the wholly fictional links between the Trump administration and Russia continues unabated, claims have been circulating about a supposed Russian plot to overthrow the government of Montenegro so as to prevent that country from joining NATO.
To say that the ‘evidence’ for this is thin would be an understatement.  The best summary is in the Guardian

BREAKING: Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s UN ambassador, dies suddenly

The Russian Foreign Ministry has announced the shock news of the death of Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s veteran ambassador to the UN.
Churkin was just short of 65 years old.
There is no word yet of the reasons for Churkin’s death, but the task of representing Russia at the UN Security Council in the ten years since his appointment in 2006, must have been exhausting.

12 countries Americans consider their “greatest enemies”

Needed more evidence as to why Hillary Clinton’s “Russia is out to get me” campaign strategy failed so miserably. Take a look at the chart below.
Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, and mainstream media would probably be better served whining about “North Korean aggression” and “North Korean election hacking.” Maybe then the American public will start believing their lies.
READ MORE: Why is Russia ALWAYS seen as the enemy?

A warning to Merkel: Russia recognises documents issued by Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics

The Russian authorities have taken another step towards granting de facto recognition to the authorities of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine by formally recognising the legal validity of the documents they issue to their citizens.
The documents in question are things like driving licences, birth and marriage certificates, travel documents and the like.