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Vladimir Putin meets with officers of the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier

Today, shortly after the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov’s return to base, and on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day (the day that Russian commemorates its armed forces) President Putin met in the Kremlin with some of the officers of the Admiral Kuznetsov and of the naval ships which accompanied her in her mission off the Syrian coast.
Most of the media has singled out for attention President Putin’s claim the decision to send the Admiral Kuznetsov to join the fight in Syria originated with him.

French election: Le Pen rising, Macron falling

Latest opinion polls in France suggest that Marine Le Pen is increasing her first round lead, and is starting to close the gap between herself and whatever challenger she will face in the second round of the French election.
This is happening at the same time as the centrist challenger – Emmanuel Macron – is showing the first signs of losing support.

Iraq army attacks ISIS in Mosul as US Defense Secretary Mattis flies in

The Iraqi government on Sunday 19th February 2017 launched the second stage of its campaign to liberate Mosul – Iraq’s second largest city – from ISIS.
The initial target of the offensive is Mosul’s airport.  Al-Jazeera has published a dramatic account of the early stages of the battle, which includes this evocative phrase

General H.R. McMaster named as President Trump’s National Security Adviser

President Trump has continued his practice of picking senior military officers to the senior posts in his administration by naming General H.R. McMaster to the post of National Security Adviser following the recent forced resignation of General Michael Flynn.
This came after the President’s original choice – Admiral Bob Hayward – turned down the offer.