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4 amazing events where instant karma crushed those who mocked President Donald Trump

The liberal left establishment loves to attack President Trump.
His every word (and every tweet), makes their blood boil to the point of hysteria. When that hysteria hits, the liberal left’s knee jerk reaction is to mock, bully, preach identity politics, and chastise the man and his “deplorable” constituency…
And when holier-than-thou leftists feel their self worth skyrocket as a result of all the virtue signaling, the “curse of The Don” strikes back, and knocks their hypocritical butts back down to earth.

How Obama killed the anti-war movement among liberal Democrats.

Barack Obama had and in many ways still has one of the slickest PR machines of any US President.
With the mainstream media in the US and Europe fully behind him, he was able to campaign as a peace president, the man of ‘change’, whilst simultaneously being at war in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine (through proxies), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Sudan.

Pamela Anderson commits to aiding men like Julian Assange who are victims of political bullying

When one thinks of a political warrior for justice, Pamela Anderson might not be the first name that comes to mind.
However, her recent vocal defence of Julian Assange and her personal commitment to comforting him during his confinement in The Ecuadorian Embassy in London, makes her stand head and shoulders above the EU leaders who have tossed the greatest journalist of the modern age to the political dogs.

Russian PM Medvedev: Russia’s economy ‘growing stably’

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has spoken optimistically today about the current state of the Russian economy, predicting stable growth for 2017.
He is right to do so.  As previously reported, Russia exited recession midway through 2016, and its economy appears to have been growing steadily in the second half of the year, especially in the final quarter.  GDP contraction in 2016 for the whole year is now put at just 0.2%, significantly better than forecast.

Trump ‘looking for ways’ to reduce role of World Trade Organisation

The story of Donald Trump’s supposed connections to Russia has all the glamour of a spy movie, which is one reason why it makes world headlines.  With the publication of the Trump Dossier even the sex – an indispensable element of any good spy movie – is there.  The fact the story has so many of the elements of a good spy movie in itself however shows that it is fiction, and therefore fake.