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Clapper meets Trump to express ‘dismay’ over Trump Dossier publication

Following the eruption of accusations against the US intelligence community at Donald Trump’s press conference on Wednesday, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has met with him to try to limit the damage, and in order assure Trump of his “dismay” that the Trump Dossier was leaked and that the US intelligence community was not responsible for it.

Washington collapses into scandal, Moscow remains calm

As Washington descends into hysteria over the Russian hacking claims and the Dossier into Donald Trump’s supposed Russian connections, Moscow – the other capital involved in the scandal – remains calm.
Dmitry Peskov, President Putin’s spokesman, denied the allegations in the Trump Dossier yesterday, just as the Russians have previously denied the hacking claims and the claims that they leaked the DNC and Podesta emails to Wikileaks.

‘Anti-Trump fake news’: the ‘British Connection’

Disclosure that the author of the ‘Trump Dossier’ is a former British intelligence agent comes just days after media reports circulated that it was British intelligence that first alerted US intelligence in October 2015 of Russia’s supposed interference in the US Presidential election on behalf of Donald Trump.
This in turn begs the question of what if any role Britain has had in the whole scandal?

Venezuela’s Supreme Court blocks regime change

In another blow against American attempts to rig democratic processes, the Supreme Court of Venezuela has annulled the impeachment of socialist President Nicholas Maduro. This represents a big setback for American puppet opposition leader Henrique Capriles Radonski, who has pushed hard to erode Bolivarism in the only OPEC member with a socialist government (honourable mention to Algeria in this respect).

Senators plan to sabotage Donald Trump by passing Russian sanctions

Whilst US President Obama in the last weeks of his Presidency churns out ever more sanctions against Russia, a group of 10 US Senators including five Republicans is said to be preparing to codify some of Obama’s Ukraine related sanctions into law.
Obama’s sanctions were made by Executive Order so without a formal law passed by Congress Trump as President can simply cancel them with the stroke of a pen.