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London Times claim of Trump-Putin summit in Reykjavik “100%” false

As both President elect Trump’s and Russian President Putin’s press spokesmen both deny a claim published by the London Times of a planned Putin-Trump summit in the Icelandic capital Reykjavik – Trump’s spokesman called it “100% false” –  the London Times incredibly still continues to lead with the story, which it sources to the usual anonymous officials.

People in eastern Aleppo slam Jihadis and Turkey

One of the major complaints I have made concerning the reporting of the fighting in Aleppo is that no Western journalists were there, and that they were reporting uncritically information obtained at second and third hand from Jihadi sources opposed to the Syrian government.
Patrick Cockburn, the Middle East correspondent of the Independent and a vastly better informed journalist about the conflicts in the Middle East than almost anyone else who writes in the West about the conflicts, has made the same point.

Friends, “fake news”, and censorship pays off big. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth jumps $5 billion in two weeks

Facebook has been coming under fire for promoting “fake news”.
The huge social network was pressured by the neo-liberal left deep state to censor news that harms the Soros “Open Society” globalist agenda, pushed heavily under the Barack Obama presidency.
Facebook folded to the neo-liberal agenda like origami, and decided to crack down on “fake news”.

It’s been 24 years since the US had a President who does NOT do illegal drugs. Trump changes this trend

If the neo-liberal, Hillary Clinton cabal needed anymore reason to hate Donald Trump, here are three…no drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes.
On January 20th, Donald Trump will be the first US president in 24 years to have never used any form of illegal drugs.
Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton have all admitted (and some taken pride) in using illegal drugs, from cocaine to marijuana.
Not only has Trump stayed away from drugs, but he also steers clear from alcohol and cigarettes.

US Congress takes first step towards repealing Obamacare

Less than a week before President elect Donald Trump’s inauguration the US House of Representatives took a first step towards Obamacare – US President Obama’s signature policy and the keystone of his legacy.
The Republican dominated House voted 227 to 198 to introduce a budget measure that is widely seen as a first step towards repeal.
This acts on an election promise made by Donald Trump during the recent election.

Turkish President Erdogan issues threat to Cyprus on the eve of peace talks

In remarks which pre-empted the announcement of the Geneva talks aiming to create a lasting peace settlement in Turkish occupied Cyprus, I wrote about the injustice of Turkish occupation of Cyprus, an EU state which Brussels has thrown to the dogs when it comes to preserving her ‘territorial integrity’, let alone her economic well-being.

More pressure on Erdogan as Turkey’s economy deteriorates

A major factor in pushing Turkish President Erdogan’s government towards rapprochement with Russia rarely gets discussed.  This is the rapidly deteriorating state of the Turkish economy.
At a superficial level this deterioration is reflected in the performance of Turkey’s currency, the lira.  It lost 17% of its value in 2016, and a further 12% of its value in January of this year.