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CONFIRMED: Russia and Turkey fighting ISIS together

Following weeks of reports that the Russian air force was quietly providing air support to the Turkish army fighting ISIS in the strategic Syrian town of Al-Bab, confirmation has now finally come from Russia that this is indeed happening.
Indeed the Russians have confirmed that the Russian and Turkish air forces for the first time engaged in a joint air strike.

Obama’s Chelsea Manning “pardon” proves that “Russian election hack” story was one big lie

We applaud Obama for commuting the prison sentence of Chelsea Manning from 35 years to 7 years.
Army soldier, Chelsea Manning was convicted in 2013 of leaking hundreds of thousands (some counts have the number at 750,000) classified documents about US national security activities to WikiLeaks.
Those documents included diplomatic cables, military intelligence in Iraq and Afghanistan, and video files showing US strikes against “terrorists”, and in one instance showing strikes that killed two Reuters journalists.

Donald Trump’s interview: a red light to Angela Merkel, the EU and NATO; a green light to Russia

Donald Trump’s interview, published by The London Times and Bild-Zeitung, showed him once again the classic deal maker, playing his cards very close to his chest – a point by the way he made himself repeatedly during the interview.
The single most interesting comments in the interview were made about Germany and Russia.
In that context, Angela Merkel will be shocked to learn that Trump trusts Vladimir Putin as much as he trusts her – which is to say not at all

Western media twists Trump’s words in his press conference: he did NOT admit Russia interfered in the election

One particular myth that is being created around Donald Trump’s news conference, which is intentionally spread by sections of the news media, is that Trump during the press conference “finally” accepted the US intelligence community’s claims about Russia’s role in the US election.

British mission to make up with Donald Trump fails

Reports in the British media suggest that the recent visit by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to the US to meet with Donald Trump’s team did not go well.
Johnson was sent to the US by a seriously concerned British government, which is clearly alarmed at the potential risk to Britain’s long standing alliance with the US caused by the use Donald Trump’s political enemies in the US are making of the Trump Dossier, which was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer.

US intelligence warns Israel and Britain about Trump

The degree of paranoia within some parts of the US intelligence community about Donald Trump is best illustrated by what seem to be authoritative news reports that US spies have warned their Israeli counterparts against sharing Israeli secrets with Donald Trump’s administration lest it be leaked to the Russians.
The clear implication is that some parts of the US intelligence community do genuinely believe that Trump is somehow under the Kremlin’s control, or that the Kremlin has leverage over him.

George Soros’ son, Alexander Soros donated big time to Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign

If you were thinking that much of the worlds’ evils end with George Soros, we are sorry to disappoint.
George Soros’ son, Alexander, is following in his fathers’ neo-liberal footsteps, donating large cash amounts to neo-liberal causes.
The evil of “The Open Society Foundation” will, unfortunately, live on.
The Washington Free Beacon reports