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Putin and Trump speaking tomorrow: anti-ISIS alliance on the way

Russian President Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed that President Putin is speaking over the telephone to US President Donald Trump tomorrow Saturday 28th January 2017.
This will be the first contact between the two Presidents since President Trump’s inauguration,
In the meantime President Trump in an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News has reiterated his intention to seek good relations with Russia, and to forge an alliance with Russia to fight ISIS together

Theresa May, Brexit and the Supreme Court

The decision of Britain’s Supreme Court to refuse the British government’s appeal against the High Court Judgment, which said that the British government must consult the British Parliament before invoking Article 50, appears to have stirred fewer passions than the High Court Judgment did.
This is perhaps because of the general expectation that the British government would lose the appeal.  This meant that where the High Court Judgment came as a shock for many people, the Supreme Court Judgment did not.

Soros – Clinton mission to make the world an elite globalist paradise spoiled by the election of Donald J. Trump

Billionaire, regime change globalist, George Soros was a huge Hillary Clinton supporter during the 2016 US election cycle.
The Soros and Clinton family are united under one common driving force…to bring the world under the control of an elite super class, while removing obstacles to submission like national identity, borders, religion, and traditional family values.
For Soros and the Clintons, if the peasant masses have nothing of value to identify with, then controlling them becomes easy.

Cyber expert and FSB officer reported arrested in Russia on treason charges

The Russian media is reporting today that Ruslan Stoyanov, a manager working at the Kaspersky Lab, Russia’s leading cyber security and anti-virus provider, has been arrested by Russia’s counter-intelligence agency the FSB.
The FSB’s involvement, and the fact that Stoyanov is apparently being charged with treason, inevitably provokes speculation that he was providing information to the intelligence agency of some foreign government.

Syrian army pushes ISIS back in Deir Ezzor

Reports from Deir Ezzor are sketchy, and it is clear that the crisis there is far from over.  However over the last few days there have been mounting indications that the worst of the crisis may be over, with the Syrian army apparently succeeding in seizing local hilltop positions and strongpoints from ISIS, as it seeks to break ISIS’s siege of Deir Ezzor’s vital airport.