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Here are photos of Saudi Arabia’s air-conditioned tent city, that can house 3 million refugees, now sitting empty.

Where is the liberal left outrage?
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia refuses to take any Syrian refugees, even though the KSA is much closer to the war stricken area than Europe or the United States.
Moving refugees to Saudi Arabia would be far less dangerous than risking death in overcrowded boats on the Mediterranean towards the shores of Italy or Greece.

Here is a list of the 16 countries that ban Israelis from entering their country. Where is the liberal left outrage?

For all the uproar going on in the liberal left camp about Trump’s “muslim ban”, which has been thoroughly debunked as no ban at all, there is one nation which does have its citizens banned from entering 16 countries.
No protests, no outrage, over the fact that 16 Muslim countries forbid Israeli passport holders from entering their country. 

The Putin-Trump call: first move towards friendship?

The single most important fact known for certain about US President Trump’s and Russian President Putin’s first telephone conversation, with took place yesterday Saturday 28th January 2017, is that it lasted for a whole hour.
That is an unusually long time for two busy leaders such Trump and Putin to spend talking to each other.  It shows that they not only took the call seriously but that they used it to discuss the full range of US-Russia relations, and – perhaps most important of all – to become acquainted with each other.

Donald Trump’s popularity surges after first week as President

US President Trump’s Inaugural Address, and his blizzard of activity in his first week as President, may be deeply unpopular with some commentators, but the first opinion polls suggest that they are going down well with US voters.
That at least seems to be the conclusion of the Rasmussen polling agency.
Here is how Rasmussen reports its findings

James Mattis – new US Defense Secretary – puts F-35 program in doubt

The new Trump administration continues to surprise, with General James Mattis – recently confirmed as Defense Secretary – ordering a review of both the F-35 program, as well as the program for the replacement of Airforce One (the US President’s own transport jet).
The F-35 is supposedly the most expensive program in the US air force’s history.  It has also been one of the most protracted and controversial, with many questioning the F-35’s capabilities as an effective combat aircraft.

Damascus water crisis ends as Syrian army captures Wadi Barada

The Jihadi interruption of the water supply to Damascus – which has gone on virtually unreported in the Western media for 44 days – is set to end, with the Syrian army finally gaining control of the water springs in Wadi Barada which provide water to Syria’s capital.
Al-Masdar’s report confirming the capture of the springs contains this sardonic comment about the Al-Qaeda led Jihadis who have surrendered to the Syrian army in Wadi Barada