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OFFICIAL: British parliament votes for Brexit

As predicted, Theresa May’s government has had no difficulty winning support in the House of Commons for the Brexit bill that the decisions of the High Court and the Supreme Court forced on her.
The Brexit bill – which authorises Theresa May to invoke Article 50 – has just passed its first vote in the House of Commons with a vote of 498 votes in favour, and 114 against.

Ukraine’s offensive ‘aimed at preventing Russian sanctions being lifted’: provokes criticism instead

Just a few days ago on RT’s Crosstalk programme Peter Lavelle, myself and the two other guests, Dmitry Babich and Ed Lozansky, discussed the Ukrainian regime’s likely reaction to the new Trump administration.
We all agreed that the likely response of the Ukrainian regime to the steps the Trump administration is taking to try to patch up US relations with Russia would be to escalate military tensions in the Donbass with a view in part to bolstering its political support in the West as this appeared to slide.

Here is a chart predicting which countries will have a coup or regime change in 2017

As the saying goes…
“Why has there never been a coup in Washington D.C.?”
The answer: “Because there is no U.S. Embassy in Washington D.C.”
The answer highlights how  every country on the planet (with a US embassy) is at risk at having their government overthrown. We saw it Ukraine two years ago. Almost saw it in Turkey last year.

Russian media reports cyber spies charged with working for CIA

Suspicions that the arrests of alleged cyber spies that have been taking place in Moscow since the middle of December are in some way connected to the US intelligence community’s allegations of Russian hacking of the DNC and Podesta have received more support from a report by the Russian news agency Interfax that Sergey Mikhailov – a former FSB officer – and Dmitry Dokuchaev – now also revealed to be an FSB officer and apparently Mikhailov’s deputy – are being charged with passing on information to the CIA.

Britain caves in on denying banking services to RT

Readers of The Duran may recall that back in October the British bank NatWest announced that it was withdrawing banking services to RT’s London branch.  At the time there was widespread speculation – and in the British media a great deal of gloating – that RT’s London branch might be forced to close.
At the time the withdrawal of banking services was announced I predicted it would fail to close RT’s London branch down

America don’t be fooled. “Fake Tears” Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have a history of killing Muslims

They cry over Trump’s executive order to enforce Obama’s immigration act from seven Muslim majority nations.
They scream that the ban is undermines “American values” and is “evil”.
Do we need to go over the numbers as to how many people of Muslim faith were killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya? One million, five million?
“Fake Tears” Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are anything but sympathetic toward Muslims.

Has Sally Yates been sabotaging Trump’s ‘travel ban’ Executive Order all along?

Confirmation that US President Donald Trump has fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she publicly declared in an open letter that the Department of Justice would not defend President Trump’s ‘travel ban’ Executive Order in the courts, comes as no surprise.  On the contrary what would have been astonishing – and concerning – would have been if President Trump hadn’t fired her.