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The US Federal Courts are the right place to decide the legality of Donald Trump’s ‘travel ban’ Executive Order

The legal moves and counter-moves in respect of Donald Trump’s ‘travel ban’ Executive Order – which includes the stay imposed on its enforcement by a Federal Judge on Friday – should be welcomed as in the present fraught atmosphere they are probably the only way of resolving the question of its legality.

Hollywood snowflake, Sarah Silverman, is calling for a military coup in America to remove President Trump

Liberal left comedian Sarah Silverman is calling for a military coup in the United States of America, to overthrow President Donald Trump.
I imagine that Silverman figures, ‘why not a coup in America’
After all, Silverman’s idol, Barack Obama, and her hero, Hillary Clinton, overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine, tried to incite a coup in Russia, failed to overthrow Erdogan in Turkey, murdered Gaddafi in Libya, and has been trying for six plus years to remove Assad in Syria using Al Qaeda and ISIS “moderate rebels.”

13 amazing tweets from President Trump that shocked the liberal left establishment

Who needs CNN, MSNBC and the NYT, when you have twitter.
1. Having the guts to expose John McCain and Lindsey Graham as useless war mongers…

The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong – they are sadly weak on immigration. The two…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2017

Rex Tillerson confirmed as US Secretary of State

Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s pick for US Secretary of State, has obtained confirmation from the Senate, doing so by a margin of 56 to 43.
Tillerson has now been sworn in, which means that the US State Department now has a proper head, with Tillerson taking over from acting Secretary of State Tom Shannon, who has been running the State Department since John Kerry left on 20th January 2017.

Russia’s ‘constitution’ for Syria (FULL TEXT AND ANALYSIS)

Since shortly after the Syrian peace talks began in the Kazakh capital Astana rumours have circulated that Russia proposed at the conference a ‘draft constitution’ for Syria.
Rumours about the contents of this ‘draft constitution’ have spread widely, with concern widely expressed that Russia might be seeking to impose its ideas on the Syrian people in quasi-colonial fashion, and that Russia is overreaching itself.

Think Russia is not proposing “Federalization” In Syria? Well, think again!

Using the Article-Paragraph system whereby 1-3 refers to Article 1, Paragraph 3, for example, the Russian-written “draft constitution” proposes:

* 4-2 giving the Kurds equal use of their language alongside Arabic within their “cultural autonomy”;
* 4-3 suggesting that it can be used in schools, though not stipulating whether or not this is limited to the “cultural autonomy” zone or nationwide;

US foreign policy is in a state of confusion on Iran and other issues (VIDEO)

The anti-Iranian rhetoric from Donald Trump’s administration has reached new heights. This comes amidst an atmosphere that one can only describe as foreign policy confusion.
Donald Trump’s major executive orders have been entirely concerned with domestic policy. This has come at the expensive of any cohesive statements let alone actions in foreign policy.
As a result Obama’s foreign policy apparatus continues to churn out lethal attacks whilst some of Trump’s closest advisors churn out dangerously irresponsible rhetoric.