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Trump administration fails to back Ukraine

Though the White House has not yet published on its website a readout of US President Trump’s telephone conversation on Saturday with Ukrainian President Poroshenko, it is clear that it did not contain the strong support for Ukraine Poroshenko must have been looking for.
The conversation took place against the backdrop of intense fighting between the Ukrainian military and the eastern Ukrainian militia around the town of Avdeevka in eastern Ukraine.

The global Trumpquakes that are shaking the world

Donald Trump’s first two weeks in office as President of the United States have been characterized by diplomatic and geopolitical confusion as the “new boss” sets forth to completely upend the global order.
Most foreign leaders don’t understand Trump, nor the New Populism (American variant) that he represents, and they seem to have totally underestimated his capabilities and those of his staff.

Historical basis for the Donbass fight

If Petro Poroshenko ever thought that destroying the freedom and independence of the Donabss republics would be easy, he ought to consider how Donbass and neighbouring areas have historically risen in independence, defying the same forces which seek to subdue them today.
Historically the core of the Donbass region, the city known contemporarily as Donetsk, was founded in 1869. The city represented the heart of modern Russian industry. If St. Petersburg was founded as Russia’s cultural showcase to the world, Donetsk was founded as the industrial equivalent.

These 10 magazine covers expose the liberal left’s propaganda movement to overthrow President Trump

Yesterday The Duran published a piece on German magazine, Der Spiegel’s cover showing Trump as some sort of crazed ISIS style Jihadi.
It’s obvious that the cover went too far when displaying its hate for President Trump, but the cover’s purpose, and ultimate goal, is shared among many neo-liberal left and neocon right publications…to remove Trump from the Office of POTUS.

Der Spiegel’s shocking anti-Trump cover is shameful

Back in October, after the British magazine The Economist published an edition with a grotesquely hideous cover picture of Vladimir Putin, I wrote that The Economist had disgraced Britain and itself.
I am sorry to say that the cover of Der Spiegel’s latest edition – showing Donald Trump beheading the Statue of Liberty – is as deplorable and wrong.

These before and after photos prove that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton had nothing but love for Islam

As the entire liberal left is in a tizzy over Trump’s immigration executive order, which has been cleverly dubbed by the establishment media as a “Muslim ban” (see how Steven Crowder dismantles this word play, fake news propaganda here), we thought it would be fun to showcase three Muslim countries, that under the Obama/Clinton rule, flourished under the inclusive love of the liberal left.