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German intelligence finds ‘no evidence’ of Russian interference in German politics

Reports that German intelligence has been unable to find any evidence of Russian interference in German politics comes as no surprise.
It has become an article of faith on the part of establishment politicians and commentators in the West that the Russian government (always referred to as “the Kremlin”) is manipulating from behind the scenes the political processes in Western countries.

Syrian army ‘nears Palmyra’

Russia’s General Staff is reporting that the Syrian army is now within striking distance of retaking Palmyra from ISIS.
This comes after reports that the Syrian military has redeployed its elite Desert Hawks unit to the area, and earlier reports that the Russians are supporting the Syrian army’s offensive against ISIS in the area by providing air to ground support with SU-25 ground attack aircraft and KA-52 helicopters.

5,000 ISIS fighters ‘trapped’ in Syria’s Al-Bab

Reports are circulating – some of which are traceable to Jihadi sources – that fast advancing Syrian army forces have completed the encirclement of 5,000 ISIS fighters who are trapped in the strategic north Syrian town of Al-Bab.
If true then this begs the major question of whether the Syrian troops who have been advancing on Al-Bab from the south are coordinating with the Turkish troops who together with Turkey’s Jihadi allies have been trying to take Al-Bab from the north.

Iran and Donald Trump: is war coming?

If since coming to office the new Trump administration has been making tentative moves towards repairing the US’s fraught relations with Russia, towards Iran it has been acting with heightened hostility.
It has blamed Iran for a missile attack on a Saudi frigate carried out by Yemeni forces, criticised Iran for its missile tests, and slapped more sanctions on the country.  President Trump has made no secret of his strong disagreement with the Iranian nuclear agreement Iran agreed with the Obama administration, and he has also called Iran “the number one terrorist state”.

Russia disagrees with Trump on Iran

The Russians have made it absolutely clear over the course of the day that they disagree with the Trump administration’s increasingly confrontational policy towards Iran.
In a succession of what were clearly coordinated statements top Russian officials have made it clear that they will not sacrifice their relations with Iran in return for better relations with the US.