
Russia building an A2/AD Bubble over Syria/Levant

Please read this entirely:I've been trying to sort fact from fiction regarding Russian involvement in Syria. Without relying on disinfo from Ruslan Liviev and Bellingcat!  The most egregious propaganda contains a mere grain of truth surrounded by a mass of lies. That, in my opinion, fit most of the reports concerning Russian involvement in Syria.  I seem to be nearly alone, except for Saker, in trying to be rational and not disseminate propaganda.  Finally and it pleases me to no end, I've found something that makes sense to me!

The New Great Game Round-Up: November 9, 2014

CSTO Alarmed at NGO Activities as Soros Visits Kyrgyzstan, “Isolated” Russia, China Push Eurasian Integration & Much More
*The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.

The New Great Game Round-Up: November 3, 2014

Russia’s “Conspiracy Theorists” Accuse West of Sponsoring Terrorism, Georgia’s Efforts to Win Back Abkhazia & South Ossetia Fail & More
*The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.

Boston Bombing- Blame Russia (Hate to say I told you so, but......)

Last year around this time we had the Boston bombing incident, remember? If you don't you are about to get a reminder served up with a heaping side of perception management.Background:April 16/2013-Bombs at the Boston Marathon: Bomb sniffing dogs present pre-raceAt that time, in fact in that very post, I typed these words

Regime change success in Kiev. Is the battle for Crimea about to begin?

Meant to get this up yesterday, but, better late then not at allIn this post is a video, taken in the Crimea. It looks to me as if a provocative act aimed at the populace was taking place.  The locals would have none of it. The local population are fully aware the Kiev "protestors" are FASCISTS. Which they are. Fascists backed by the EU, US and NATO.