Jay Dyer on ‘Tragedy & Hope’ Part 5: UK PsyOps, Hitler & the Axis Powers (Half)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
In this first half of the 5th lecture, we discuss the causes of World War II according to Dr. Carroll Quigley in his monumental insider tome Tragedy and Hope, particularly as they appear to be arranged by the RIIA and Chatham House. This same Atlanticist network simultaneously appeased Hitler (“Peace in Our Time”) while hyping fears of Germany, using fake and staged news.


5/5 (16) Yesterday, you'll recall, the subject for our discussion and high octane specualtion was the recent German Defense Ministry designating Russia as the principal military threat, this amid other stories about Germany's intention to re-vivify…
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Mind Control University: Jay Dyer w/ Tim Kelly on MKULTRA & Scientism

Tim Kelly invited me back to discuss the scope of MKULTRA which is often overlooked in the Hollywood hype of mind controlled assassins and trigger words.  In this conversation we cover the real scope and goal of MKULTRA and its locus of action which, far from playing out in foreign espionage, functioned primarily at the local state university.  From there, we consider the counter-culture as a conduit through which massive social change could be wrought, through propagandists like Tim Leary and Aldous Huxley.  Moving to the wider and historical scope, we investigate the ideological underpinn