Donald Trump can and must abolish the CIA

Donald Trump’s war with the CIA can only be won through a combination of radial measures on the part of the Trump administration and a ferocious purge of those who seek to use espionage tactics to subvert the legitimacy of the elected President of the United States. The CIA threatens not only to damage Donald Trump personally, but also to undermine the authority of the office of President of the United States. The CIA is a rogue organisation and its power must be severely curtailed.

(Vid) Illuminati and Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican in Martin’s Keys of This Blood (Free Half)

In this lecture we come to the Catholic version of Tragedy and Hope the overlooked geopolitical tome of Malachi Martin, Keys of This Blood: John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order. Almost as revelatory as Dr. Quigley’s magnum opus, this angle looks at the Vatican’s role in 20th century geopolitics and its infiltration by Satanic and Masonic Groups.

Orson Welles, Kubrick, Lynch & Goonies: Jay Dyer on Paranoia Podcast

In this thrilling episode of the PARANOIA Podcast, Jay Dyer joins us to breakdown Esoteric Hollywood. Join us as we discuss the occult and conspiracy implications of films by Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, The Goonies, Project Mockingbird and so so much more…… It’s a cornucopia of discussion on the media industrial complex.

TRUMP 2 LEGIT? Is He God-Emperor? Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.

ClandesTime 097 – Sterling Hayden - Spy Culture

Sterling Hayden's life encompassed many important events and periods of the 20th century. A lifelong seaman he joined the Marine Corps and the OSS during World War 2, running smuggling operations to support anti-fascist partisans in Yugoslavia. He was also a movie star, famously appearing in The Godfather and in two Stanley Kubrick films - The Killing and Dr Strangelove.

Jack D Ripper OSS File - Spy Culture

Sterling Hayden is perhaps best-known for playing Jack D Ripper but his life and career make for fascinating reading. After a time working as a mate on various ships his near 2-metre frame, grizelled good looks and shock of blonde hair saw him move into print modelling and then into Hollywood. Hayden then joined the Marine Corps and from there the Office of the Co-ordinator of Information, which became the OSS.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 76 The CIA as Organized Crime with Douglas Valentine

My guest today is the great Douglas Valentine. Doug joins me to discuss his latest book The CIA as Organized Crime. We begin by looking at why Doug decided to write this book and the way in which it is structured. Next we delve into Doug’s relationship with the CIA and how he came to write about it’s inner-workings. Doug talks about his relationship with the agency and how he began getting access to operatives and officials while writing The Phoneix Program, including his meetings with former CIA Director William Colby.