Osama bin Laden

The Right to the Truth about the Mass Killings of 11 September 2001

A gross violation of human rights gives rise to a set of state obligations, including that of providing remedies to the victims. Among such remedies is the duty to establish the true circumstances surrounding the violation and ensuring the identification and punishment of those responsible for it. The mass killings of 9/11 were, apart of being a huge crime, also a gross violation of the right to life of approximately 3,000 people. Yet legal literature has not dealt with this event from that perspective.

Was Afghanistan’s Invasion Also Based on Lies?

There appears to be a bigger lie than “weapons of mass destruction.”  It’s not simply that the illegal invasion of Iraq was based on lies, but that the entire “war on terrorism” is likely based on lies.
We were told by our government that Afghanistan was invaded for giving shelter to Osama bin Laden, who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.  Mainstream press have pushed this so repeatedly that “9/11″ and “Osama bin Laden” have become interchangeable.

Those Who Pretend to Sleep

Lately I find that my frustration with the level of idiocy on the part of this planet I call home is so great that writing has become nearly impossible. A recent article by Andrew Vltchek titled “In the USA-I Cannot Write” gave me comfort. I’m not alone. Here in the belly of the beast, among the zombie-fascist, gun-totin’, flag-wavin’ hordes of fellow Americans I spend my days in fearless loathing. Fearless because after living for two-thirds of a century I have little to fear other than a long painful death, being shot full of lead, or a terminal case of disgust.

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: May 16, 2015

On the May 16, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I covered the following issues: Seymour Hersh’s limited hangout article about bin Laden’s alleged 2011 killing, and Canada’s government threatens hate crime charges against organizations boycotting Israel. Correction: I mentioned in the show that the Asper family owned the National Post, but ownership changed in […]