Osama bin Laden

IRON MAN 3 & the BIN LADEN Myth: Plus More Evidence of Faked Videos…

In case you missed it, there was just another little tidbit – mostly ignored by the majority of the media – to further indicate (or even prove) that the Osama bin Laden ‘videos’ were being mostly faked right from the outset. The video speeches, which were so central a part of the American propaganda for […]

Missing Pieces of Bin Laden’s Execution Mystery

According to Seymour Hersh, the original plan of the Obama Administration regarding the disclosure of the execution of Osama bin Laden to the press was that he had been killed in a drone strike in the Hindu Kush mountains on the Afghan side of the border. But things didn’t go as planned during the operation as a Black Hawk helicopter crashed in Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound and the whole town now knew that an operation was underway.

Propaganda Countdown to WWIII: Armenians in the Crosshairs

While the two leaders from Armenia and Azerbaijan met this week and agreed to comply with the treaty set forth that ended their bloody six year war back in 1994, both action on the ground along the Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) Line of Contact as well as the fierce information and propaganda war belie purported reaffirmations made by both nations’ top politicians.

The Classified “28 Pages”: A Diversion from real US-Saudi Issues

The controversy surrounding the infamous “28 pages” on the possible Saudi connection with the terrorists that were excised from the joint Congressional report on the 9/11 attacks is at fever pitch. But that controversy is a distraction from the real problems that Saudi Arabia’s policies pose to the United States and the entire Middle East region.

9/11 – The Whole, Rotten Saga & the Most Ineffective Cover-Up Ever…

9/11 isn’t going to go away. The same pre-fabricated, false-flag horror that enabled destructive, world-changing agendas to be accelerated, kick-started the phenomenon of modern Islamist terrorism and paved the way for America’s modern surveillance state, is also the incriminating, self-tied noose around the crime’s still-at-large masterminds. 15 years later, belief in the official 9/11 narrative […]