
The Koliivshchyna Rebellion of 1764

Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson presents another edition of the Orthodox Nationalist, this time dealing with the Koliivshchyna rebellion, sometimes called the Haidamak revolt, which began in 1768. It’s spiritual foundation was the Abbot of the Motronynskyi (or Motroninsky) Monastery near Chyhyryn in western Ukraine, Abbot Melchizedek (Jaworski). In this powerful address, Dr. Johnson calls on the Orthodox world to canonize this man as a saint.

The Orthodox Nationalist: The Effect of Eurasianism on Geopolitics

Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson presents a podcast on the theory of Eurasianism and the effect it has on Geopolitics. Alexander Dugin and his intellectual forebears are often very misunderstood by the West. The average American seems incapable of sustained thought on anything and hence, they remain “masses” rather than actual people.

National Socialism in Bulgaria and Moldova

The simple fact is that the New World Order is not all-powerful. They are made up of deeply flawed, albeit wealthy, men and women that have become far too used to not hearing from any real opposition. In China, Iran, Syria, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, the Philippines, the US and as of yesterday, Bulgaria and Moldova, this opposition has defeated the oligarchs.

Matthew Raphael Johnson on Codreanu and the Iron Guard

After many, many requests, Matthew Raphael Johnson has finally done a podcast on the Iron Guard, the political vehicle for the ideas of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (1899-1938) in interwar Romania. Primarily, it is about the ideology of the movement and its policies during the brief reign of the “Legionary Government” in 1940.

Matthew Raphael Johnson “Deposed” from the Orthodox Metropolia

Dr. Johnson addresses a nationalist conference in Harrisburg, PA in 2015.
Sven Longshanks is joined by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson to talk about the recent outcome of the spiritual trial that was convened against him by his former synod. The Church hierarchy had accused him of not showing enough respect to obscure heresies that were not even accepted by the general Church at the time, as a thin excuse to persecute him for his political views.

Traditionalism on Trial

A trial has been set by a faction of the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas. The defendant is Matthew Raphael Johnson, suddenly deemed too far right for this tiny synod’s image. The promoter of this purge is Bishop Joseph (Royer) of Canada, a new bishop received into the church just two years ago. Up until now, Johnson’s “Orthodox Nationalist” podcast and writings were followed by synod members with full support. Something changed.
Bishop Joseph is on the far left. This seems to be a lot of bishops for 100 people.

Russian National Socialism: Neplyuev and the Labor Brotherhood of the Holy Cross

NN Neplyuev, who was a Christian and both nationalist and socialist. “Socialism” has been hijacked by Jewish materialists and revolutionaries who care little for society or labor. Socialism had always, prior to Marx, been an idealist and religious entity based on the idea of love. Love is the opposite of self-seeking. Cicero defined natural law as the restraining of someone from prospering at someone else’s expense. Love would be the opposite: suffering so that someone else can prosper. If society is not based on this, it descends into oligarchy, war, evil and irrationality.