Orthodox Church

The Rise of Ukraine’s Ultra-Nationalist Christian Church

Let’s start at the end. The Patriarchate of Constantinople is creating the 3rd great schism in Christian history by seizing authority resting with the ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) and granting Kyiv independence from Russian Orthodox oversight.
The first schism in Christianity happened in 1054 when Orthodox and Catholic churches split. The second was the fallout from the Protestant Reformation which formed the Protestant churches.

Kiev ‘Patriarch’ prepares to seize Moscow properties in Ukraine

The attack on the Eastern Orthodox Church, brought about by the US State Department and its proxies in Constantinople and Ukraine, is continuing. On October 20, 2018, the illegitimate “Kyiv (Kiev) Patriarchate”, led by Filaret Denisenko who is calling himself “Patriarch Filaret”, had a synodal meeting in which it changed the commemoration title of the leader of the church to include the Kyiv Caves and Pochaev Lavras.

Patriarch Bartholomew lifts anathemas on schismatics in Ukraine (VIDEO)

The biggest news in the Eastern Orthodox world in recent times occurred on Thursday, October 11, 2018. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, lifted the anathemas against two schismatic Ukrainian Churches and their leaders, paving the way to the creation of a fully independent Ukrainian national Orthodox Church.
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This announcement was given in English and is shown here in video with the textual transcript following:

Church legalization by fiat of Ecumenical Patriarch reveals desire for power

TASS reported on September 28 that the plans of the Ecumenical Patriarch to grant complete independence (“autocephaly”) to the schismatic Ukrainian Orthodox Church signal the Ecumenical Patriarch’s own aspirations to power.
Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, chief of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations described the situation told the Izvestia daily news on Friday:

Heads of local churches express support for Ukrainian Orthodox Church

One of the hot political issues in Ukraine is actually an element which ought never be involved in earthly politics, is the local Orthodox Church of that country. Ukraine has a very odd situation with respect to Church canons (laws), for instead of just one Orthodox Church, Ukraine has three groups. One group is canonical, and operates very independently while yet under the oversight of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The OIC is the Muslim world’s voice. Christian countries should have one too

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Mysteries of the Davidic Covenant – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk we pick up from the last talk dealing with the mysteries and occult wars in the Books of the Kings. Here, we look at the types of the figures of Samuel and David and how their lives foreshadowed the coming of the Logos. I also cover the prophetic proofs of the inclusion of Gentiles into the covenant of Israel – something viewed as impossible- especially the astounding prophesies of the latter chapters of Isaiah.

Trump can forge a US-Russia alliance on basis of Christian conservative values

The war in Syria is often described as a holy war waged by Salafist Jihadists who want to impose a dark and frankly blasphemous version of Sunni Islam on the wider community of moderate Sunni’s, Shia Muslims, including Alawites, Christians, and secularists. But in spite of the declared Islamism of the opponents of President Assad’s secular, tolerant government, the war is all about power, resources, and money.